Project description:In this study, we sought to investigate the metabolic role of MALAT1, one of the most abundant cancer-associated long non-coding RNA, in prostate cancer. MALAT1 targeting by gapmerization reduced expression of some tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes including the malic enzyme 3 and the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases 1 and 3 as well as the choline kinase A. In consequence, prostate cancer metabolism switched toward a glycolytic phenotype characterized by increased lactate production paralleled by growth arrest, and cell death. Conversely, the function of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and expression of oxphos enzymes was markedly reduced, suggesting for a decreased tricarboxylic acid cycle and mitochondrial respiration activity. Interestingly, a similar effect was observed in several prostate cancer-derived organotypic slice cultures, in which metabolism became more glycolytic and apoptotic. Based on these observations, we elaborated a predictive algorithm, in which those metabolic enzymes sensitive to MALAT1 targeting proven successfully to predict tumor recurrence in a subset of patients. In summary, MALAT1 targeting by gapmerization activates a metabolic switch in the prostate cancer cell and tumor tissue unraveling a role for crucial metabolic enzymes in tumor progression and outcome.
Project description:The lncRNA metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) promotes growth and progression in prostate cancer (PCa); however, little is known about its possible impact in PCa metabolism. The aim of this work has been the assessment of the metabolic reprogramming associated with MALAT1 silencing in human PCa cells and in an ex vivo model of organotypic slice cultures (OSCs). Cultured cells and OSCs derived from primary tumors were transfected with MALAT1 specific gapmers. Cell growth and survival, gene profiling, and evaluation of targeted metabolites and metabolic enzymes were assessed. Computational analysis was made considering expression changes occurring in metabolic markers following MALAT1 targeting in cultured OSCs. MALAT1 silencing reduced expression of some metabolic enzymes, including malic enzyme 3, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases 1 and 3, and choline kinase A. Consequently, PCa metabolism switched toward a glycolytic phenotype characterized by increased lactate production paralleled by growth arrest and cell death. Conversely, the function of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and the expression of oxidative phosphorylation enzymes were markedly reduced. A similar effect was observed in OSCs. Based on this, a predictive algorithm was developed aimed to predict tumor recurrence in a subset of patients. MALAT1 targeting by gapmer delivery restored normal metabolic energy pathway in PCa cells and OSCs.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of control and MALAT1 lncRNA-depleted RNA samples from human diploid lung fibroblasts [WI38] The long noncoding MALAT1 RNA is upregulated in cancer tissues and its elevated expression is associated with hyper-proliferation, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. We demonstrate that MALAT1 levels are regulated during normal cell cycle progression. Genome-wide transcriptome analyses in normal human diploid fibroblasts reveal that MALAT1 modulates the expression of cell cycle genes, and is required for G1/S and mitotic progression. Depletion of MALAT1 leads to activation of p53 and its target genes. The cell cycle defects observed in MALAT1-depleted cells are sensitive to p53 levels, indicating that p53 is a major downstream mediator of MALAT1 activity. Furthermore, MALAT1-depleted cells display reduced expression of B-MYB (Mybl2), an oncogenic transcription factor involved in G2/M progression, due to altered binding of splicing factors on B-MYB pre-mRNA and aberrant alternative splicing. In human cells, MALAT1 promotes cellular proliferation by modulating the expression and/or pre-mRNA processing of cell cycle-regulated transcription factors. These findings provide mechanistic insights on the role of MALAT1 in regulating cellular proliferation. We analyzed RNA from control and MALAT1 depleted WI38 cells using the Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST platform. Array data was analyzed by Partek Genomic Suite software.
Project description:The long noncoding MALAT1 RNA is upregulated in cancer tissues and its elevated expression is associated with hyper-proliferation, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. We demonstrate that MALAT1 levels are regulated during normal cell cycle progression. Genome-wide transcriptome analyses in normal human diploid fibroblasts reveal that MALAT1 modulates the expression of cell cycle genes, and is required for G1/S and mitotic progression. Depletion of MALAT1 leads to activation of p53 and its target genes. The cell cycle defects observed in MALAT1-depleted cells are sensitive to p53 levels, indicating that p53 is a major downstream mediator of MALAT1 activity. Furthermore, MALAT1-depleted cells display reduced expression of B-MYB (Mybl2), an oncogenic transcription factor involved in G2/M progression, due to altered binding of splicing factors on B-MYB pre-mRNA and aberrant alternative splicing. In human cells, MALAT1 promotes cellular proliferation by modulating the expression and/or premRNA processing of cell cycle-regulated transcription factors. These findings provide mechanistic insights on the role of MALAT1 in regulating cellular proliferation. Keywords: MALAT1; MALAT-1, NEAT2, ncRNA; E2F, alternative splicing; pre-mRNA splicing factors WI38 cells (normal human diploid fibroblasts) were transfected with a control oligo (CTR) or antisense oligos to MALAT1 and RNA was isolated after 48 hr. Two antisense oligos were use for MALAT1 (AS-1 and AS-2). Arrays were done for 3 sets of samples in triplicate (control, AS-1 and AS-2).
Project description:Alternative splicing (AS) of pre-mRNA is utilized by higher eukaryotes to achieve increased transcriptome and proteomic complexity. The serine/arginine (SR) splicing factors regulate tissue- or cell type-specific AS in a concentration and phosphorylation dependent manner. However, the mechanisms that modulate the cellular levels of active SR proteins remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we provide evidence for a role for the long nuclear-retained regulatory RNA (nrRNA), MALAT1 in AS regulation. MALAT1 interacts with SR proteins and influences the distribution of these and other splicing factors in nuclear speckle domains. Depletion of MALAT1 changes AS of endogenous pre-mRNAs, similar to what was observed upon overexpression of SR proteins. Furthermore, MALAT1 regulates cellular levels of phosphorylated forms of SR proteins. Taken together, our results suggest that MALAT1 regulates AS by modulating the levels of active SR proteins. Our results further highlight a novel role for a nrRNA in the regulation of gene expression. Malat1 Antisense and control knockdowns evaluated on a microarray platform to profile alternative splicing levels for 5782 cassette-type alternative exons.
Project description:Previously, lncRNA Malat1 knockout mice were generated by insertional inactivation. By crossing this line to MMTV-PyMT mammary tumor mouse model, we produced PyMT;Malat1 wild-type (WT) and PyMT;Malat1 knockout (KO). Furthermore, we generated Malat1 transgenic mice by targeting ROSA26 locus and bred them to PyMT;Malat1 knockout mice to produce Malat1-rescued PyMT;Malat1 knockout;Malat1 transgenic animals (TG). Using mammary tumors from the three groups of animals, we performed RNA-Seq analysis to identify differentially up-regulated genes in KO tumors to find novel target genes of YAP-TEAD pathway.
Project description:Although the expression of some long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), including MALAT1 (metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1), is predictive of metastasis, their impact and mechanism of action remain elusive. Here we use CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) to model MALAT1/Malat1 overexpression in patient-derived lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) cell lines and in the autochthonous K-ras/p53 LUAD mouse model. The results indicate that Malat1 overexpression alone is sufficient to enable the progression of LUAD to metastatic disease. We show that overexpressed MALAT1/Malat1 enhances cell mobility and promotes the recruitment of pro-tumor macrophages to the tumor microenvironment through paracrine secretion of the CCL2/Ccl2 cytokine. We determine that Ccl2 upregulation results from an increase in global chromatin accessibility upon Malat1 overexpression. Importantly, macrophage depletion and Ccl2 blockade counteracted the effects of Malat1 overexpression. These data demonstrate that a single lncRNA can drive LUAD metastasis through reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.