Project description:A DNA microarray was designed and constructed using the genome sequence of Saccharopolyspora erythraea strain NRRL 2338. Following growth in liquid medium, we analysed the expression of 6494 ORFs along the time course. The results indicated that the 404 genes, whose expression significatively correlated with the time course, identify three distinct growth phases: a rapid growth until 32 h (phase A); a growth slowdown until 52 h (phase B); another rapid growth phase from 56 h to 72 h (phase C) before entering the stationary phase. We experimentally determined regional organization of transcription along the chromosome, highlighting differences between core and non-core regions, but also strand specific patterns of expression, and the behavior of major functional classes. Temporal expression of all the gene clusters for secondary metabolism was analyzed, confirming ery cluster up-regulation during the first growth phase, and finding out six secondary metabolism clusters that are clearly regulated during growth. The use of a DNA microarray, specifically designed on the Sac. erythraea genome sequence, improved specificity and sensitivity of gene expression analysis, giving a global and at the same time detailed picture of how Sac. erythraea genes are modulated. Keywords: time course
Project description:We report the high-throughput profiling of saccharopolyspora erythraea including a industrial strain HL3168 E3 and a wild-type strain NRRL23338. The aim was to evaluate the difference in expression of sRNA predicted in silico related to secondary metabolites in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
Project description:We report the high-throughput profiling of saccharopolyspora erythraea including a industrial strain HL3168 E3 and a wild-type strain NRRL23338. The aim was to evaluate the difference in expression of sRNA predicted in silico related to secondary metabolites in Saccharopolyspora erythraea. Comparison of the gene expression difference in 2 Saccharopolyspora erythraea strains.