Project description:Microarray comparative genome hybridization (mCGH) data was collected from one Neisseria cinerea, two Neisseria lactamica, two Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and 48 Neisseria meningitidis isolates. For N. meningitidis, these isolates are from diverse clonal complexes, invasive and carriage strains, and all major serogroups. The microarray platform represented N. meningitidis strains MC58, Z2491, and FAM18 and N. gonorrhoeae FA1090.
Project description:Neisseria meningitidis, a commensal β-proteobacterium of the human nasopharynx, constitutes a worldwide leading cause of sepsis and epidemic meningitis. The molecular basis for their "accidental" pathogenicity is still not fully understood. Here, we show that knock-out strains lacking the Cas9 protein are impaired in the adhesion to human nasopharyngeal cells which constitutes a central step in the pathogenesis of invasive meningococcal disease. Transcriptome sequencing data suggest that meningococcal Cas9 does not affect the expression of classical surface adhesins but rather exerts its effect on cell adhesion in an indirect manner. Consequently, we speculate that the meningococcal type II-C CRISPR/Cas system exerts novel functions beyond its established role in defence against foreign DNA.
Project description:Neisseria meningitidis is a human commensal that occasionally causes life-threatening infections such as bacterial meningitis and septicemia. Despite experimental evidence that gene regulation as well as the expression of small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) affect meningococcal virulence, the organization of its transcriptome, including in particular the biogenesis of sRNAs and their mode of action, is only poorly understood. Here, we addressed these issues using a combination of high-throughput technologies. We applied differential RNA-seq (dRNA-seq) to produce a single-nucleotide resolution map of the primary transcriptome of N. meningitidis strain 8103. Our dRNA-seq analysis predicted 1,625 transcriptional start sites (TSS) including 65 non-coding RNA transcripts, of which 20 were further validated by Northern analysis. This allowed for the discovery of a novel CRISPR-associated sRNA with a Cas9-independent biogenesis. Genome-wide mapping of σ 70-dependent and independent promoters revealed that classical Escherichia coli-like σ70 promoter are absent in most of the protein coding genes in meningococci. The majority of the 706 primary TSSs (pTSSs) were associated with coding sequences, including 382 pTSS obtained for single genes and 240 pTSSs obtained for genes located in operons. By Hfq RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (RIP-seq) we identified a large Hfq-centered post-transcriptional regulatory network comprising 24 sRNAs and 407 potential mRNA targets, and rifampicin stability assays demonstrated that Hfq binding confers enhanced stability on sRNAs. We finally confirmed the interactions of two sRNAs and their cognate target mRNA in vivo. Both directly repress prpB encoding a methylisocitrate lyse which was previously shown to be involved in meningococcal colonization of the human nasopharynx.The combination of both high-throughput approaches thus creates a compendium that not only provides a valuable data resource, but also allows for a better understanding of meningococcal transcriptome organization and riboregulation with implications for colonization of the human nasopharynx.
Project description:Comparison of a pyrethroid insecticides resistant field population of Anopheles gambiae ss collected in Tiefora, Burkina Faso (2014) compared to a lab susceptible ss Anopheles gambiae Kisumu.
Project description:Field resistant Anopheles coluzzii were compared to the lab susceptible Anopheles coluzzii N'Gousso. The samples were collected in 2014 in Burkina Faso and show resistance to pyrethroid insecticides.
Project description:Genotype data from 55 Fulani individuals from Ziniare, Burkina Faso and 7 Czechs & Slovaks collected in Prague, Czech Republic The data was typed in Illumina Omni2.5-Octo BeadChip.
Project description:Although usually a harmless colonizer of the human nasopharynx, Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) can spread to the blood stream and cause invasive disease. For survival in blood, N. meningitidis evades the complement system by expression of a polysaccharide capsule and surface proteins sequestering the complement regulator fH. Meningococcal strains are highly diverse and are categorized by their serogroup and multilocus sequence typing. The sequence type 41/44 clonal complex makes up a major proportion of serogroup B meningococcal disease worldwide, but it is also common in asymptomatic carriers. Proteome analysis of a serum resistant isolate from invasive meningococcal disease and two less resistant isolates from healthy carriers identified NspA as the sole protein consistently expressed more abundantly in the invasive isolate. Knock-out of nspA reduced serum resistance, accompanied by stronger deposition of membrane attack complex (C5b9). High or low expression of NspA was associated with sequence variation within a homopolymeric tract located in the -10/-35 region of the nspA promotor: A tract with 5 adenosines dictated low NspA expression, whereas a 6-adenosine motif led to high NspA expression. High levels of NspA correlated with high factor H sequestration onto the bacteria. We could not link the homopolymeric tract length to phase variation, unlike described for other N. meningitidis surface proteins with similar sequence motifs. Epidemiological evidence from carriage and disease isolates indicates that NspA contributes to serum resistance, but is not a prerequisite for invasive disease. Thus, the lineage ST-41/44 meningococcal strains are heterogenous in their NspA expression.