Project description:Nanopore Sequencing and assembly of Col-0 carrying seed coat expressed GFP and RFP transgenes flanking the centromere of chromosome 3 (CTL 3.9) - additionally, DNA methylation was derived using deepsignal-plant using these reads.
Project description:This dataset contains Xdrop followed by oxford nanopore long read sequencing performed in target tRNA gene deletion clones in HAP1 (t72) and HepG2 (t15). By applying de novo assembly based approach to Xdrop-LRS data, we identified Cas9-induced on-target genomic alteration.
Project description:This dataset contains Xdrop followed by oxford nanopore long read sequencing performed in target tRNA gene deletion (t8) and intergenic region deletion (i50) clones in HepG2 . By applying de novo assembly based approach to Xdrop-LRS data, we identified Cas9-induced on-target genomic alteration.
Project description:Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is currently the gold standard for DNA methylation (5-methylcytosine, 5mC) profiling, however the destructive nature of sodium bisulfite results in DNA fragmentation and subsequent biases in sequencing data. Such issues have led to the development of bisulfite-free methods for 5mC detection. Nanopore sequencing is a long read non-destructive approach that directly analyzes DNA and RNA fragments in real time. Recently, computational tools have been developed that enable base-resolution detection of 5mC from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. In this chapter we provide a detailed protocol for preparation, sequencing, read assembly and analysis of genome-wide 5mC using Nanopore sequencing technologies.
Project description:A new haloalkaliphilic species of Wenzhouxiangella, strain AB-CW3 was isolated from a system of alkaline soda lakes in the Kulunda Steppe. Its complete, circular genome was assembled from combined nanopore and illumina sequencing and its proteome was determined for three different experimental conditions: growth on Staphylococcus cells, casein, or peptone. AB-CW3 is an aerobic bacterium feeding mainly on proteins and peptides.