Project description:This analysis compare gene expression between 4 day old sugar fed female and male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Keywords: Aedes aegypti sex specific expression
Project description:This analysis defines the adult female and developmental specific transcriptomes of Aedes aegypti. Keywords: Aedews aegypti, development, gene expression
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes of testes in the meiotic drive system in aedes aegypti during spermatogenesis compared to non drive strain. The meiotic drive system in Aedes aegypti causes the female determining chromosome to fragment during spermatogenesis.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes of testes in the meiotic drive system in aedes aegypti during spermatogenesis compared to non drive strain. The meiotic drive system in Aedes aegypti causes the female determining chromosome to fragment during spermatogenesis. A six chip study using total RNA from three separately extracted non driving strain testes of Aedes aegypti and three separately extracted meiotic drive strain testes of Aedes aegypti.
Project description:Chromosomal inversions play a fundamental role in evolution and have been shown to be responsible for the epidemiologically important traits in malaria mosquitoes. However, they have never been characterized in the major vector of arboviruses Aedes aegypti because of the poor structure of its polytene chromosomes. In this study, we applied a Hi-C proximity ligation approach to identify chromosomal inversions in 23 recently collected strains of Ae. aegypti from its worldwide distribution, two old laboratory colonies, and Ae. mascarensis.
Project description:We conducted a whole transcriptome analysis of testes from a meiotic drive-carrying strain (T37) in comparison with a drive-sensitive strain (RED) using microarrays based on the complete annotated Ae. aegypti gene set. The T37 strain, which carries a strong meiotic drive gene (Mori et al., 2004 (PMID 15605641)), was established from mosquitoes collected in Trinidad. The RED strain is highly sensitive to the meiotic drive gene (Hickey and Craig, 1966 (PMID ); Mori et al., 2004 (PMID 15605641)). A six-chip study using total RNA recovered from three biological samples of the T37 strain and another three biological samples of the Red strain of Aedes aegypti. Each chip measures the expression level of 16,092 genes annotated from the Aedes aegypti genome sequence, with twenty 60-mer probe pairs (PM/MM) per gene, with three-fold technical redundancy.