Project description:We have identified four distinct B cell subgroups within the naïve murine heart, whose relative expression changed markedly throughout development, including CD19+CD11b+CD5+, CD19+CD11b+CD5-, CD19+CD11b-CD21+CD23+, and CD19+CD11b-CD21-CD23- B cells. In order to gain further insight into the identity of the various myocardial B cells subsets, we performed single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) of neonatal (2 weeks) and adult (8 weeks) myocardial B cells. We combined 10X single cell gene expression analysis with immunostaining using TotalSeq antibodies against CD11b, CD23, and CD21.
Project description:The heart of a newborn mouse has an exceptional capacity to regenerate from myocardial injury but lose it after a week of life, which has been utilized as a valuable model to explore the cues for heart regeneration. More and more researches indicated that glycoprotein played an important role in cardiac regeneration. Elucidating the glycosylation processes associated with heart regeneration will be beneficial for the molecular mechanism studies of heart regeneration as well as discovery of potential therapeutic strategies for human cardiac diseases. In this work, an integrated glycoproteomic and proteomic analysis were performed to investigate the differences in glycoprotein abundances and site-specific glycosylation occupancy between neonatal day 1 (P1) and day 7 (P7) of mouse hearts. The intact glycoepeptides were enriched and identified in both P1 and P7 hearts. To screen for differentially regulated glycoproteins, we compared the expression levels of intact glycopeptides between P1 and P7 hearts using label free quantification. Eventually, the glycosylation occupancy of site-specific N-glycans were obtained by comparing the alterations of intact glycopeptides with their corresponding protein expression levels obtained from global proteomic analysis. These altered glycosylation patterns among proteins between P1 and P7 mouse hearts have a significant potential to aid our understanding of the regenerative capacity loss in neonatal mouse hearts during the first week, thus leading to novel therapeutic approaches to recover the capacity.
Project description:Expression profiles of microRNAs in neonatal (isolated from day0 newborn rats) and adult rat cardiomyocytes (isolated from 2month old rats)
Project description:The neonatal mammalian heart is able to regenerate after injury by inducing cardiomyocyte proliferation. However, this regenerative capacity is virtually lost in the adult mammalian heart. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been shown to play an important cardioprotective role in heart repair. Here, we performed proteomic analysis of EVs from neonatal mouse heart tissues (Neo-EVs), EVs regenerated from neonatal heart tissues after apicoectomy (AR-Neo-EVs), and EVs from adult mouse hearts (Adu-EVs), to compare the differential changes in proteins among them.
Project description:Expression profiles of microRNAs in neonatal (isolated from day0 newborn rats) and adult rat cardiomyocytes (isolated from 2month old rats) Two condition experiment; Biological replicates: 7 samples of cardiomyocytes from neonatal rats (from independent isolations); 6 samples of cardiomyocytes isolated from adult animals (from independent isolations)
Project description:The adult mammalian heart is incapable of regeneration following injury. In contrast, the neonatal mouse heart can efficiently regenerate during the first week of life. The molecular mechanisms that mediate the regenerative response and its blockade in later life are not understood. Here, by single-nucleus RNA sequencing, we map the dynamic transcriptional landscape of five distinct cardiomyocyte populations in healthy, injured and regenerating mouse hearts. We identify immature cardiomyocytes that enter the cell-cycle following injury and disappear as the heart loses the ability to regenerate. These proliferative neonatal cardiomyocytes display a unique transcriptional program dependent on NFYa and NFE2L1 transcription factors, which exert proliferative and protective functions, respectively. Cardiac overexpression of these two factors conferred protection against ischemic injury in mature mouse hearts that were otherwise non-regenerative. These findings advance our understanding of the cellular basis of neonatal heart regeneration and reveal a transcriptional landscape for heart repair following injury.
Project description:Increased COUP-TFII levels are found in human dilated cardiomyopathy as well as in mouse models that develop cardiomyopathy. COUP-TFII overexpression in adult mouse hearts caused ventricular dilation and compromised cardiac functions. To gain insights on COUP-TFII’s effect in hearts, we identified the molecular profile of COUP-TFII overexpressing hearts through microarray analysis. The result may shred light on molecular mechanisms that mediate development of dilated cardiomyopathy.
Project description:Cy3-labeled cDNA obtained from four pools of three hearts of neonatal C57BL Cx43 null mice were compared to Cy3-labeled cDNA obtained from four pools of three hearts of neonatal C57BL wildtype mice through Cy5-labeled sample reference prepared at once for the entire experiment from aorta, brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, ovary/testicles, spleen, and stomach - equal amounts from adult male and female C57BL mice. Keywords = Cx32 null vs wildtype neonatal mouse heart
Project description:A phenotypically and functinoally distinct subset of human blood dendritic cells expressing CD11b is specific of the neonatal environment. We have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling to identify the specific gene signature of CD11b+ cord blood dendritic cells as compared to their adult peripheral blood counterparts. Peripheral blood adult cDC2 (CD20- CD11c+ CD14- BDCA1+ CD11b- ), neonatal cord blood cDC2 (CD20- CD11c+ CD14- BDCA1+ CD11b-) and neonatal cord blood cDC2b (CD20- CD11c+ CD14- BDCA1+ CD11b+) were FACS purified from BDCA1+ magnetically. Neonatal monocytes (CD11c+ CD14+) and neonatal naive T cells (CD3+ CD4+ CD56- CD25- CD45RO-) were used as controls.