Project description:Little is known about the impact of fasting on gene regulation in human adipose tissue. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of fasting on adipose tissue gene expression in humans. To that end, subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were collected from volunteers 2h and 26h after consumption of a standardized meal. For comparison, epididymal adipose tissue was collected from C57Bl/6J mice after a 16h fast and in the ab-libitum fed state. Transcriptome analysis was carried out using Affymetrix microarrays. We found that, 1) fasting downregulated numerous metabolic pathways in human adipose tissue, including triglyceride and fatty acid synthesis, glycolysis and glycogen synthesis, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial translation, and insulin signaling; 2) fasting downregulated genes involved in proteasomal degradation in human adipose tissue; 3) fasting had much less pronounced effects on the adipose tissue transcriptome in humans than mi ce; 4) although major overlap in fasting-induced gene regulation was observed between human and mouse adipose tissue, many genes were differentially regulated in the two species, including genes involved in insulin signaling (PRKAG2, PFKFB3), PPAR signaling (PPARG, ACSL1, HMGCS2, SLC22A5, ACOT1), glycogen metabolism (PCK1, PYGB), and lipid droplets (PLIN1, PNPLA2, CIDEA, CIDEC). In conclusion, although numerous genes and pathways are regulated similarly by fasting in human and mouse adipose tissue, many genes show very distinct responses to fasting in humans and mice. Our data provide a useful resource to study adipose tissue function during fasting.
Project description:Little is known about the impact of fasting on gene regulation in human adipose tissue. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of fasting on adipose tissue gene expression in humans. To that end, subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were collected from volunteers 2h and 26h after consumption of a standardized meal. For comparison, epididymal adipose tissue was collected from C57Bl/6J mice after a 16h fast and in the ab-libitum fed state. Transcriptome analysis was carried out using Affymetrix microarrays. We found that, 1) fasting downregulated numerous metabolic pathways in human adipose tissue, including triglyceride and fatty acid synthesis, glycolysis and glycogen synthesis, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial translation, and insulin signaling; 2) fasting downregulated genes involved in proteasomal degradation in human adipose tissue; 3) fasting had much less pronounced effects on the adipose tissue transcriptome in humans than mi ce; 4) although major overlap in fasting-induced gene regulation was observed between human and mouse adipose tissue, many genes were differentially regulated in the two species, including genes involved in insulin signaling (PRKAG2, PFKFB3), PPAR signaling (PPARG, ACSL1, HMGCS2, SLC22A5, ACOT1), glycogen metabolism (PCK1, PYGB), and lipid droplets (PLIN1, PNPLA2, CIDEA, CIDEC). In conclusion, although numerous genes and pathways are regulated similarly by fasting in human and mouse adipose tissue, many genes show very distinct responses to fasting in humans and mice. Our data provide a useful resource to study adipose tissue function during fasting.
Project description:Prolonged fasting-induced changes in rat white adipose tissue (epidydimal) transcriptome White adipose tissue is a central place to energy storage and a major endocrine organ. However, adipose molecular mechanisms have been poorly studied during prolonged fasting. To fill this gap, the aim of this study was to decipher transcriptomic regulations in rat adipose tissue during phase 2 (lipid mobilization) and phase 3 (protein catabolism) of prolonged fasting compared to the fed state. We describe a regulatory transcriptional program in epididymal adipose tissue in line with lipogenesis repression during both phases, and that would favor lipolysis during phase 2 and repress it during phase 3. Such regulations notably involve selective (i.e. phase-dependent) changes in gene expression levels of lipases, lipid droplet-associated factors, and the proteins involved in cAMP-dependent and cAMP-independent regulation of lipolysis. The mRNA levels of adipose-secreted factors were globally consistent with the repression of insulin signalling during prolonged fasting. Regulations of leptin and adiponectin levels could be related to their respective role in triggering refeeding during late fasting and controlling lipid metabolism. Specific responses reflecting adipose tissue inflammation, increased fibrinolysis and a possible protein catabolism-related energy saving mechanism were also recorded during phase 3. These data thus provide a comprehensive molecular basis of adipose tissue responses according to the fasting stage.
Project description:White adipose tissue is a central place to energy storage and a major endocrine organ. However, adipose molecular mechanisms have been poorly studied during prolonged fasting. To fill this gap, the aim of this study was to decipher proteomic regulations in rat adipose tissue during phase 2 (lipid mobilization) and phase 3 (protein catabolism) of prolonged fasting compared to the fed state. Specific responses reflecting adipose tissue inflammation, increased fibrinolysis and a possible protein catabolism-related energy saving mechanism were recorded during phase 3. Differences between internal and subcutaneous adipose tissues were essentially related to lipid metabolism, the response to oxidative stress and energy production. These data thus provide a molecular basis of adipose tissue responses according to the fasting stage.
Project description:Fasting is the process of metabolic adaption to food deprivation that is taking place in most organisms, e.g. during the daily resting phase in mammals. Furthermore, in biomedical research fasting is used in most metabolic studies to synchronize nutritional states of study subjects. Because there is a lack of standardization for this procedure, we need a deeper understanding of the dynamics and the molecular players in fasting. In this study we investigated the transcriptome signature of white adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle in 24 hours fasted mice (and chow fat controls) using Affymetrix whole-genome microarrays. Food was withdrawn from the fasting group at the beginning of the light phase (9 a.m.) when mice are in their inactive phase. Mice were sacrificed 24 hours later by cervical dislocation. Chow-fed controls had ad libitium access to food during this time. Edidymal white adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle were dissected out, shock frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C.
Project description:In obesity, sustained adipose tissue (AT) inflammation constitutes a cellular memory that limits the effectiveness of weight loss interventions. Yet, its fasting regimen-dependent regulation is unknown. Here, we show that cyclic intermittent fasting (IF) exacerbates the lipid-associated macrophage (LAM) inflammatory phenotype of visceral AT in obese mice. Importantly, we provide evidence that this increase in LAM abundance is almost entirely dependent on p53-driven adipocyte apoptosis. Adipocyte-specific deletion of p53 prevents LAM accumulation in AT during IF and increases the catabolic state of adipocytes, ameliorates metabolic flexibility, and insulin sensitivity. Finally, in cohorts of obese/diabetic patients, we describe a p53 polymorphism that links to long-term efficacy of a fasting-mimicking diet and that the expression of LAM markers and p53 in AT negatively correlates with maintaining weight loss after bariatric surgery. Overall, our results demonstrate that p53 signaling in adipocytes dictates LAM accumulation in AT under IF and that adipocyte p53 modulates fasting effectiveness in mice and humans.
Project description:Background: Obesity and related metabolic disorders have reached epidemic levels, calling for diverse therapeutic strategies. Altering nutrient intake, timing and quantity by intermittent fasting seem to elicit beneficial health effects by modulating endocrine and cell signaling net-works. This study explores the impact of cyclic nutrient availability in the form of every-other-day fasting (EODF) on human adipose stem cells (ASCs). Methods: We subjected ASCs to repeated fasting/refeeding (F/R) cycles, mimicking low glucose/high fatty acid (LGHF) conditions, and assessed phenotypic and transcriptomic changes, lipid storage capacity, insulin sensitivity and differentiation potential. Results: Four consecutive F/R cycles induced significant changes in ad-ipogenic gene expression, with upregulation of FABP4 and PLIN1 during fasting, and increased lipid storage in the ASCs. Upon differentiation, ASCs exposed to LGHF conditions retained a transient increase in lipid droplet size and altered fatty acid metabolism gene expression until day 9. However, these changes dissipated by day 15 of differentiation, suggesting a limited duration of fasting-induced transcriptional and adipogenic memory. Despite initial effects, ASCs showed re-silience, returning to a physiological trajectory during differentiation, with respect to gene ex-pression and lipid metabolism. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the long-term effects of EODF on the ASC niche may be transient; emphasizing the ability of the adipose tissue to adapt and restore homeostasis.