Project description:The global diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis comprises at least seven lineages, each with its distinct geographic distribution. The aim of this experiment was to perform a comparative analysis of two of these lineages: Lineage 1 and Lineage 2. The former is found around the rim of the Indian ocean and in south-east Asia, while the latter is widely spread throughout Asia and shows an increasing global spread. We have chosen three fully drug susceptible clincal isolates to represent each of the two lineages. We performed RNAseq analysis on rRNA depleted samples isolated from cultures during mid-log phase. Each strain was measured in triplicate.
Project description:In this study we characterize microbial community features on the surface of Indian Ocean. 11 samples were collected from Indian Ocean and subjected for quantitative metaproteomics analysis for taxonomic and functional analysis. Our results suggested that metabolic tuning at metaproteomics levels enabled microbial community to sustain stable when subjected to environmental perturbations in the oligotrophic ocean.
2023-05-10 | PXD016285 | Pride
Project description:Picoeukarytic community in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean