Project description:Amplicon-based targeted re-sequencing analysis was performed in the patient-derived gliobastoma cell culture samples. For this purpose, genomic DNA (gDNA) was isolated and DNA libraries were prepared using the TruSeq Custom Amplicon Low Input (Illumina, Inc.) technology. By this, a pool of 375 amplicons was generated for each single sample in order to enrich for the target genes ATRX1, EGFR, IDH1, NF1, PDGFRA, PIK3CG, PIK3R1, PTEN, RB1 and TP53. Sequencing was performed on the Illumina MiSeq® next generation sequencing system (Illumina Inc.) and its 2 x 250 bp paired-end v2 read chemistry. The resulting reads were quality controlled and mapped against the human reference genome (hg19). For all samples, sequence variations of the amplified regions of interest in comparison to the human reference sequence were identified and filtered based on reliability.
Project description:Analysis of Cas9/sgRNA mutagenic activity at a variety of loci in zebrafish. Each loci has a control, where no Cas9/sgRNA were injected. This is amplicon sequencing with Illumina, after PCR amplification. Data was processed with ampliCan R package version 1.1.1.
Project description:Analysis of Cas9/sgRNA mutagenic activity at a variety of loci in zebrafish. Each loci has a control, where no Cas9/sgRNA were injected. This is amplicon sequencing with Illumina, after PCR amplification. Data was processed with ampliCan R package version 1.1.1.
Project description:Analysis of Cas9/sgRNA mutagenic activity at a variety of loci in zebrafish. Each loci has a control, where no Cas9/sgRNA were injected. This is amplicon sequencing with Illumina, after PCR amplification. Data was processed with ampliCan R package version 1.1.1.
Project description:Analysis of Cas9/sgRNA mutagenic activity at a variety of loci in zebrafish. Each loci has a control, where no Cas9/sgRNA were injected. This is amplicon sequencing with Illumina, after PCR amplification. Data was processed with ampliCan R package version 1.1.1.
Project description:Analysis of Cas9/sgRNA mutagenic activity at a variety of loci in zebrafish. Each loci has a control, where no Cas9/sgRNA were injected. This is amplicon sequencing with Illumina, after PCR amplification. Data was processed with ampliCan R package version 1.1.1.
Project description:Null mutations for genes encoding the major seed storage protein in pea, vicilin, were sought among a fast-neutron mutant population. Combinations of four and five mutations, where individual vicilin loci had been deleted, were generated to address the question of how removal or reduction of a major storage protein would impact on seed protein concentration and yield. While seed protein concentrations were not reduced in mutant lines, indicative of a re-balancing of the proteome, there were notable differences in their metabolite, proteomic and amino acid profiles. The genomic regions which were deleted were defined by whole genome sequencing of the parental line, JI2822 and its quintuple vicilin null derivative.