Project description:A172 cell lines were stable transfected with C19ORF63 (Human hematopoietic peptide secreted-1 - HSS1). HSS1 is a truly novel protein defining a new class of secreted factors. A172 cell line overexpressing HSS1 greatly reduced their proliferation rate compared to mock-transfected cells. Microarray analysis was used to detail gene expression underlying the anti-proliferative and anti-tumorigenic effect of HSS1 in A172 cells. Exponentially growing A172 cells at growth curve day 4 were harvested for total RNA extraction and hybridization on Affimetrix microarrays. Four groups of samples were evaluated in biological triplicates: A172 wild-type, A172 -pcDNA3.1 mock-transfected, A172-pcDNA-HSS1 clone#7 and A172-pcDNA-HSS1 clone#8. Cells were stable transfected with pcDNA3.1 empty vector or hHSS1. hHSS1-expressing cells and control cells were at confluence 40-80% when harvested. Trypan blue analysis of the number of viable cells showed a significant anti-proliferative effect in A172 cells expressing hHSS1 as compared to the control cells.
Project description:A172 cell lines were stable transfected with C19ORF63 (Human hematopoietic peptide secreted-1 - HSS1). HSS1 is a truly novel protein defining a new class of secreted factors. A172 cell line overexpressing HSS1 greatly reduced their proliferation rate compared to mock-transfected cells. Microarray analysis was used to detail gene expression underlying the anti-proliferative and anti-tumorigenic effect of HSS1 in A172 cells.
Project description:DNase-seq on cell line A172 (53 year old male human brain, glioblastoma) For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) is known as a key regulator of cell development and cancer through deacetylation of histones as well as other proteins. Recent studies have shown that HDAC class 1 expression is sometimes highly elevated in the diagnosis of patients who appear to have strongly proliferating cancer. Among them, experiments were conducted to confirm the significance of the difference in the presence or absence of HDAC2.
Project description:This study identifies the genes differentially expressed upon MED12 knockdown in A172 glioblastoma cell line. Clariom_S_Human Array was used to assess mRNA expression profile in response to MED12 Knockdown in A172 cells.
Project description:The libraries contained in this experiment come from independent growths of cell line A172, a glioblastoma cell line derived from a 53 year old male. They are stranded PE101 Illumina Hi-Seq RAMPAGE libraries from rRNA-depleted Total RNA > 200 nucleotides in size. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:The libraries contained in this experiment come from the whole cell fraction of independent growths of cell line A172. They are stranded PE101 Illumina Hi-Seq RNA-Seq libraries from rRNA-depleted Total RNA > 200 nucleotides in size. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:miR-196a-5p is robustly upregulated under hypoxia in GBM cell lines and is highly expressed in GBM tumour samples. This study identifies the genes differentially expressed upon miR-196a-5p inhibition in A172 glioblastoma cell line under hypoxia (0.2% O2). GeneChip PrimeView Human Gene Expression Array was used to assess mRNA expression profile in response to miR-196a-5p inhibition in A172 cell line under hypoxia (0.2% O2).