Project description:We benchmark Illumina’s HiseqX10 instrument against Beijing Genomics Institute’s (BGI) DNBSEQ-G400 platform, a considerably cheaper sequencing alternative. For comparisons, the same bulk ATAC-seq libraries generated from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and fibroblasts were sequenced on both platforms. Both instruments generate sequencing reads with comparable mapping rates and genomic context. However DNBSEQ-G400 data contained a significantly higher number of small, sub-nucleosomal reads (>30% increase) and a reduced number of bi-nucleosomal reads (>75% decrease), which resulted in narrower peak-bases and improved peak calling, enabling the identification of 4% more differentially accessible regions between PSCs and fibroblasts. Ability to identify master TFs that underpin the PSC state relative to fibroblasts, including aggregate and de novo foot-printing capacity, were highly similar between data generated on both platforms.
Project description:The draft genome of L. sativa (lettuce) cv. Tizian was sequenced in two Illumina sequencing runs, mate pair and shotgun. This entry contains the RAW sequencing data.
Project description:jc2013_sybiopop_2014-pilot transcriptomic study - Which genes affect biomass yield in poplar? RNA was extracted from young differentiating xylem and cambium collected on 24 4-year-old trees trialed in a common garden experiment at INRA Orléans. The trees corresponded to corresponding to 2 replicates of 12 genotypes from 6 natural populations. After RNA quantification, the RNA from xylem and cambium from the same tree were pooled and subjected to high-throughput sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 using 100 bp paired-ends reads indexing runs. All the samples were sequenced on one Illumina lane, yielding around 20 million of single-reads per sample.