Project description:Aspergillus display an amazing level of diversity in physiologies, and environments that they occupy. Strategies for coping with diverse environmental stresses have evolved in different Aspergillus species. Therefore, Aspergillus are considered to be good models for investigating the adaptation and response to many natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors. Recent genome sequencing projects in several Aspergillus have provided insights into the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying their responses to some environmental stressors. However, to better clarify the conserved and differentiated features of the adaptive response to specific stresses and to trace the evolutionary process of environmental adaptation and response in Aspergillus, insight from more Aspergillus species with different evolutionary positions, such as A. glaucus, and thus offer a large number of models of adaptation and response to various environmental stresses. Here, we report a high-quality reference genome assembly of A. glaucus CCHA from the surface of wild vegetation around saltern of Jilin, China, based on sequence data from whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing platforms of Illumina solexa technologies. This assembly contains 106 scaffolds ( >1 Kb; N50 = ~0.795 Mb), has a length of ~28.9 Mb and covers ~97% of the predicted genome size (~120 Mb). Together with the data analyses from comprehensive transcriptomic surveys and comparative genomic analyses, we aim to obtain new insights into molecular mechanisms of the adaptation to living at high salt in the saltern
Project description:Gli1 is necessary for the progression from chronic gastric inflammation to metaplasia in the stomach. We therefore compared the expression patterns between 6-month H. felis infected WT and Gli1-/- stomachs. Pooled tissue from the gastric fundi of 3 mice per group. Groups are WT, WT + H. felis (6 months), Gli1-/-, and Gli1-/- +H. felis (6 months). All the infected and control mice were obtained from the same experiment.