Project description:The involvement of nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) in transcriptional reprogramming during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis has been demonstrated in several plant species. However, a comprehensive picture is lacking. We showed that the spatial expression of NF-YC3 was observed in cortical cells containing arbuscules via the cis-regulatory element GCC boxes. Moreover, NF-YC3 promoter was transactivated by the combination of CYCLOPS and autoactive CCaMK via GCC boxes. Knockdown of NF-YC3 significantly reduced the abundance of all intraradical fungal structures and affected arbuscules size. BCP1, SbtM1, and WRI5a, whose expression was correlated with NF-YC3 level, might be downstream of NF-YC3. NF-YC3 interacted with one of three NF-YBs, NF-YB3a, NF-YB5c, or NF-YB3b, in yeast and in planta, and interacted with NF-YA3a in yeast. Spatial expression of three NF-YBs was observed in all cell layers of roots under both mock and mycorrhizal conditions. Knockdown of three NF-YBs collectively, but not individually, reduced the fungal colonization level, suggesting that there might be functional redundancy of NF-YBs to regulate AM symbiosis. Collectively, our data suggest that NF-YC3 and NF-YBs positively regulate AM symbiosis in tomato, and arbuscule-related NF-YC3 may be important downstream gene of common symbiosis signaling pathway.
Project description:We sequenced and analyzed the genome of a highly inbred miniature Chinese pig strain, the Banna Minipig Inbred Line (BMI). we conducted whole genome screening using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology and performed SNP calling using Sus Scrofa genome assembly Sscrofa11.1.
Project description:Purpose: The purpose of this RNA Sequencing project was to investigate the transcriptional regulatory relationship between NF-YC3/4/9 and HY5 Methods: Total RNA was isolated, and then poly-A purified. 100ng of starting RNA was used to generate RNASeq libraries using the NEXTflex Illumina qRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit, and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2500 machine. Results: NF-YC3/4/9 and HY5 have both shared and independent regulatory targets.