Project description:Lysosomes are cellular recycling stations and metabolic signaling hubs. Whether lysosome dynamics regulate mammalian brain development is unknown. We found that radial glia cells possess a large number of endolysosomes and that asymmetric inheritance of lysosomes in daughters of radial glia cells can predict fate and cell cycle length. To determine the lysosomal regulation of translation initiation by mTORC1/eIF4E axis, we performed RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (RIP-seq) with antibody against eIF4E in E13.5 neocortex.
Project description:Lysosomes are cellular recycling stations and metabolic signaling hubs. Whether lysosome dynamics regulate mammalian brain development is unknown. We found that radial glia cells possess a large number of endolysosomes and that asymmetric inheritance of lysosomes in daughters of radial glia cells can predict fate and cell cycle length. To determine the translation control by the mTORC1, we performed polysome profiling of mRNAs associated with >3 ribosomes for neural progenitor cells that treated with DMSO or Torin1 for 2 hours.
Project description:Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) have abnormal immune responses triggered by a variety of infectious agents, airborne toxins and fungi. Respiratory epithelial cells serve as relay stations capable of amplifying or augmenting cues received from external stimuli to nearby immune cells located in the sinus mucosa. Previous studies have identified increases in complement components and complement gene expression in the mucosa of patients with atopic CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). As part of a larger study, we used shotgun proteomics to quantify changes in mucus proteins between patients with and without nasal polyps.
Project description:Grain samples of Hordeum vulgare L. sensu lato variety Sebastian were obtained from plants grown in the fields at four breeding stations in 2017, representing seed development under different combinations of temperature and rainfall.Sample description:CAS [1-4] - location n. 5 - (Caslav) - high yield, above average temperature and high rainfall.UHO [1-4] - location n. 11 (Uhersky Ostroh) - low yield, high temperature and low rainfall.CHA [1-4] - location n. 2 (Chrastava) - average yield, low temperature, very high rainfall.KRU [1-4] - location n. 8 (Krasne Udoli) - average yield, low temperature, average rainfall.
Project description:RNA-interference (RNAi) refers to a growing class of gene silencing phenomena defined by a requirement for small RNAs of 20-32 nt and the action of the Argonaute (Ago) family of ribonucleases. We have previously identified developmentally regulated small RNAs, using Northern blot analysis, that are expressed during X-chromosome inactivation in differentiating female mouse ES cels. We sought to identify these small RNAs using deep sequencing. We identified small RNAs that align to retrotransposon sequences and are enriched on the X-chromosome. LINE elements have been proposed to act as way stations during X-inactivation for the spreading of silencing along the entire chromosome, and our findings suggest that LINE elements found on the X-chromosome may be enriched for small RNAs relative to the genome. These results suggest that RNAi pathways are involved in regulating LINE elements during X-inactivation and ES cell differentiation.