Project description:Protection against pathogens is a major function of the gut microbiota. Although bacterial natural products have emerged as crucial components of host-microbiota interactions, their exact role in microbiota-mediated protection is largely unexplored. We addressed this knowledge gap with the nematodeCaenorhabditis elegansand its microbiota isolatePseudomonas fluorescensMYb115 that is known to protect againstBacillus thuringiensis (Bt) infection. We find that MYb115-mediated protection depends on sphingolipids that are derived from an iterative type I polyketide synthase (PKS), thereby describing a noncanonical pathway of bacterial sphingolipid production. We provide evidence that MYb115-derived sphingolipids affectC. eleganstolerance to Bt infection by altering host sphingolipid metabolism. This work establishes sphingolipids as structural outputs of bacterial PKS and highlights the role of microbiota-derived sphingolipids in host protection against pathogens.
Project description:Persistent mucosal inflammation and microbial infection are characteristic of Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS). Though mucosal microbiota dysbiosis is a characteristic feature of other chronic inflammatory diseases, the relationship between sinus microbiota composition and CRS is unknown. Here we demonstrate, using comparative microbiome profiling of a cohort of CRS patients and healthy subjects, that the sinus microbiota of CRS patients exhibit significantly reduced bacterial diversity. Characteristic of this community collapse is the depletion of multiple, phylogenetically distinct, Lactic Acid Bacteria and the concomitant increase in relative abundance of a single species, Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum. Recapitulating the conditions observed in our human cohort in a murine model confirmed the pathogenic potential of C. tuberculostearicum and the critical necessity for a replete mucosal microbiota to protect against this species. Moreover, we provide evidence that Lactobacillus sakei, identified from our comparative microbiome analyses as a potentially protective species, affords defense against C. tuberculostearicum sinus infection, even in the context of a depleted sinus bacterial community. These studies demonstrate that sinus mucosal health is highly dependent on the composition of the resident microbiota, and identifies a new sino-pathogen and a strong bacterial candidate for therapeutic intervention. A total of 14 samples were profiled for microbiome composition: 7 from non-sinusitis patients, and 7 from patients with clinically diagnosed chronic sinusitis.
Project description:We developed a non-invasive ex vivo HT29 cell-based minimal model to fingerprint the mucosa-associated microbiota fraction in humans. HT29 cell-associated fractions were characterized by the universal phylogenetic array platform HTF-Microbi.Array, both in presence or in absence of a TNF-M-NM-1-mediated pro-inflammatory stimulus. A high taxonomical level fingerprint profiling of the mucosa-associated microbiota was performed on a group of 12 breast-fed infants and 6 adults (used as controls). Relative abundance of the bacterial species was assessed by using a so-called HTF-Microbi.Array, based on a ligation detection reaction (LDR) - Univerasal array (UA) assay, capable of correctly identify up to 31 intestinal bacterial groups, covering up to 95% of the human gut microbiota
Project description:Microbiota-induced cytokine responses participate in gut homeostasis, but the cytokine balance at steady-state and the role of individual bacterial species in setting the balance remain elusive. Using gnotobiotic mouse models, we provide a systematic analysis of the role of microbiota in the induction of cytokine responses in the normal intestine. Colonization by a whole mouse microbiota orchestrated a broad spectrum of pro-inflammatory (Th1, Th17) and regulatory T cell responses. Unexpectedly, most tested complex microbiota and individual bacteria failed to efficiently stimulate intestinal cytokine responses. A potent cytokine-inducing function was however associated with non-culturable host-specific species, the prototype of which was the Clostridia-related Segmented Filamentous Bacterium, and this bacterial species recapitulated the coordinated maturation of T cell responses induced by the whole mouse microbiota. Our study demonstrates the non-redundant role of microbiota members in the regulation of gut immune homeostasis.
Project description:Inappropriate cross talk between mammals and their gut microbiota may trigger intestinal inflammation and drive extra-intestinal immune-mediated diseases. Studies with germ-free or gnotobiotic animals represent the gold standard for research on bacterial-host interaction but they are not readily accessible to the wide scientific community. We aimed at refining a protocol that in a robust manner would deplete murine intestinal microbiota and prove to have significant biologic validity. Previously published protocols for depleting mice of their intestinal microbiota by administering broad-spectrum antibiotics in drinking water were difficult to reproduce. We show that twice daily delivery of antibiotics by gavage depleted mice of their cultivable fecal microbiota and reduced the fecal bacterial DNA load by approximately 400 fold while ensuring the animals’ health. Mice subjected to the protocol for 17 days displayed enlarged ceca, reduced Peyer’s patches and small spleens. Antibiotic treatment significantly reduced the expression of antimicrobial factors and altered the expression of 517 genes in total in the colonic epithelium. Genes involved in cell cycle were significantly altered concomitant with reduced epithelial proliferative activity in situ assessed by Ki-67 expression, suggesting that commensal microbiota drives cellular proliferation in colonic epithelium. We present a robust protocol for depleting mice of their cultivatable intestinal microbiota with antibiotics by gavage and show that the biological effect of this depletion is phenotypic characteristics and epithelial gene expression profile similar to those of germ-free mice. Comparison of genome-wide gene expression of colon intestinal epithelial cells from mice subjected to microbiota depletion protocol against to control mice.
Project description:Background and aims. The etiopathology of inflammatory bowel diseases is still poorly understood. To date, only few little data are available on the microbiota composition in ulcerative colitis (UC), representing a major subform of inflammatory bowel diseases. Currently, one of the main challenges is to unravel the interactions between genetics and environmental factors in the onset or during the progression and maintenance of the disease. The aim of the present study was to analyse twin pairs discordant for UC for both gut microbiota dysbiosis and host expression profiles at a mucosal level and to get insight into the functional genomic crosstalk between microbiota and mucosal epithelium in vivo. Methods. Biopsies were sampled from the sigmoid colon of both healthy and diseased siblings from UC discordant twin pairs but also from healthy twins. Microbiota profiles were assessed by 16S rDNA libraries while mRNA expression profiles were analysed from the same volunteers using Affymetrix microarrays. Results. UC patients showed a dysbiotic microbiota with lower diversity and more species belonging to Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria phyla. On the contrary, their healthy siblingsM-bM-^@M-^Y microbiota contained more bacteria from the Lachnospiracea and Ruminococcaceae family than did healthy individuals . Sixty-three host transcripts significantly correlated with bacterial genera in healthy individuals whereas only 43 and 32 correlated with bacteria in healthy and UC siblings from discordant pairs, respectively. Several transcripts related to oxidative and immune responses were differentially expressed between unaffected and UC siblings. Conclusion. A loss of crosstalk between gut microbiota and host was highlighted in UC patients. This defect was also striking in healthy siblings from discordant pairs, as was the lower biodiversity within the microbiota. Our results suggest disease-relevant interactions between host transcriptome and microbiota. Moreover, unusual aerobic bacteria were noticed in UC mucosal microbiota, whereas healthy siblings from discordant pairs had higher percentages of potentially beneficialusual commensal bacterial species. Paired samples (twins) were analyzed to obtain data independent of genetic variation
Project description:Advanced age is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation, which is usually referred to as inflammaging. Elderly are also known to have an altered gut microbiota composition. However, whether inflammaging is a cause or consequence of an altered gut microbiota composition is not clear. In this study gut microbiota from young or old conventional mice was transferred to young germ-free mice. Four weeks after gut microbiota transfer immune cell populations in spleen, Peyer’s patches, and mesenteric lymph nodes from conventionalized germ-free mice were analyzed by flow cytometry. In addition, whole-genome gene expression in the ileum was analyzed by microarray. Gut microbiota composition of donor and recipient mice was analyzed with 16S rDNA sequencing. Here we show by transferring aged microbiota to young germ-free mice that certain bacterial species within the aged microbiota promote inflammaging. This effect was associated with lower levels of Akkermansia and higher levels of TM7 bacteria and Proteobacteria in the aged microbiota after transfer. The aged microbiota promoted inflammation in the small intestine in the germ-free mice and enhanced leakage of inflammatory bacterial components into the circulation was observed. Moreover, the aged microbiota promoted increased T cell activation in the systemic compartment. In conclusion, these data indicate that the gut microbiota from old mice contributes to inflammaging after transfer to young germ-free mice.
Project description:Persistent mucosal inflammation and microbial infection are characteristic of Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS). Though mucosal microbiota dysbiosis is a characteristic feature of other chronic inflammatory diseases, the relationship between sinus microbiota composition and CRS is unknown. Here we demonstrate, using comparative microbiome profiling of a cohort of CRS patients and healthy subjects, that the sinus microbiota of CRS patients exhibit significantly reduced bacterial diversity. Characteristic of this community collapse is the depletion of multiple, phylogenetically distinct, Lactic Acid Bacteria and the concomitant increase in relative abundance of a single species, Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum. Recapitulating the conditions observed in our human cohort in a murine model confirmed the pathogenic potential of C. tuberculostearicum and the critical necessity for a replete mucosal microbiota to protect against this species. Moreover, we provide evidence that Lactobacillus sakei, identified from our comparative microbiome analyses as a potentially protective species, affords defense against C. tuberculostearicum sinus infection, even in the context of a depleted sinus bacterial community. These studies demonstrate that sinus mucosal health is highly dependent on the composition of the resident microbiota, and identifies a new sino-pathogen and a strong bacterial candidate for therapeutic intervention.
Project description:Because antibiotics have been widely used to prevent severe losses due to infectious fishery diseases, the liberal application and overuse of antibiotics has led to the spread and evolution of bacterial resistance, food safety hazards, and environmental issues. The use of some antibiotics, including florfenicol and enrofloxacin, is allowed in aquaculture in China. Accordingly, to better address the concerns and questions associated with the impact of administered enrofloxacin and florfenicol to grass carp, here we investigated the immune response, bacterial diversity, and transcriptome of the intestine of C. idella treated with these oral antibiotics. The aim of this study was to provide an in-depth evaluation of the antibiotic-induced patterns and dynamics of the microbiota grass carp and the potential mechanism involved.