Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE21312: Gene expression in a Geobacter sulfurreducens strain adapted for faster Fe(III) oxide reduction grown with ferric citrate as an electron acceptor GSE21313: Gene expression in a Geobacter sulfurreducens strain adapted for faster Fe(III) oxide reduction grown with fumarate as an electron acceptor Refer to individual Series
Project description:Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA was put under selective pressure for rapid Fe(III) oxide reduction. The resultant strain, V1, contained five confirmed mutations and reduced Fe(III) oxide 17 times faster. Whole genome DNA microarray analysis was performed in order to determine which genes are up- or down-regulated in V1 compared to PCA, both grown with ferric citrate as an electron acceptor.
Project description:Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA was put under selective pressure for rapid Fe(III) oxide reduction. The resultant strain, V1, contained five confirmed mutations and reduced Fe(III) oxide 17 times faster. One of these five mutations inactivates dcuB, a fumarate/succinate antiporter necessary for growth with fumarate as an electron acceptor. V1 dcuB+ is a V1 strain containing a wild type copy of dcuB. Whole genome DNA microarray analysis was performed in order to determine which genes are up- or down-regulated in V1 dcuB+ compared to PCA, both grown with fumarate as an electron acceptor.