Project description:Background: The high number of heavy metal resistance genes in the soil bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 makes it an interesting model organism to study microbial responses to heavy metals. Results: In this study the transcriptional response of this bacterium was measured after challenging it to a wide range of sub-lethal concentrations of various essential or toxic metals. Considering the global transcriptional responses for each challenge as well as by identifying the overlap in upregulated genes between different metal responses, the sixteen metals could be clustered in three different groups. Additionally, next to the assessment of the transcriptional response of already known metal resistance genes, new metal response gene clusters were identified. The majority of the metal response loci showed similar expression profiles when cells were exposed to different metals, suggesting complex cross-talk at transcriptional level between the different metal responses. The highly redundant nature of these metal resistant regions – illustrated by the large number of paralogous genes – combined with the phylogenetic distribution of these metal response regions within evolutionary related and other metal resistant bacteria, provides important insights on the recent evolution of this naturally soil dwelling bacterium towards a highly metal-resistant strain found in harsh and anthropogenic environments. Conclusions: The metal-resistant soil bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 displays myriads of gene expression patterns when exposed to a wide range of heavy metals at non-lethal concentrations. The interplay between the different gene expression clusters points towards a complex cross-regulated regulatory network governing heavy metal resistance in C. metallidurans CH34. Keywords: Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34, transcriptional regulation, heavy metal resistance Two-condition experiments. Comparing samples after induction with heavy metals versus non-induced samples. Biological duplicate or triplicate. Each array contains 3 or 4 technical replicates.
Project description:Background: The high number of heavy metal resistance genes in the soil bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 makes it an interesting model organism to study microbial responses to heavy metals. Results: In this study the transcriptional response of this bacterium was measured after challenging it to a wide range of sub-lethal concentrations of various essential or toxic metals. Considering the global transcriptional responses for each challenge as well as by identifying the overlap in upregulated genes between different metal responses, the sixteen metals could be clustered in three different groups. Additionally, next to the assessment of the transcriptional response of already known metal resistance genes, new metal response gene clusters were identified. The majority of the metal response loci showed similar expression profiles when cells were exposed to different metals, suggesting complex cross-talk at transcriptional level between the different metal responses. The highly redundant nature of these metal resistant regions – illustrated by the large number of paralogous genes – combined with the phylogenetic distribution of these metal response regions within evolutionary related and other metal resistant bacteria, provides important insights on the recent evolution of this naturally soil dwelling bacterium towards a highly metal-resistant strain found in harsh and anthropogenic environments. Conclusions: The metal-resistant soil bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 displays myriads of gene expression patterns when exposed to a wide range of heavy metals at non-lethal concentrations. The interplay between the different gene expression clusters points towards a complex cross-regulated regulatory network governing heavy metal resistance in C. metallidurans CH34. Keywords: Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34, transcriptional regulation, heavy metal resistance
Project description:Heavy metals residue in the natural ecosystem had become one global environmental problem that was eager to solve. Due to the non-biodegradability, organism could deposit excessive heavy metals elements into tissues. Existing literature proposed that prolonged heavy metals enrichment had comprehensive toxicity to multi-organs of vertebrates. However, little research focus on the molecular mechanism for the hepatotoxicity of heavy metal enrichment to Chiroptera. In the present study, ten Hipposideros armiger individuals from Yingde City (YD, relatively pollution-free) and Chunwan City (CW, excessive heavy metals emission) were dissected while environment samples were also obtained. To corroborate the toxicity mechanism of heavy metals to bats liver, multi-omics, pathology and molecular biology methods were performed. Our results showed that more Cd and Pb elements were significantly enriched in bats liver and food sources in the CW group. In addition, prolonged heavy metals accumulation disturbed the hepatic transcription profiling associated with solute carriers family, ribosome pathway, ATP usage and heat shock proteins. Excessive heavy metals enrichment also altered the relative abundance of typical gut microbe taxa to inhibit the tight-junction protein expression. We also found that the levels of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione were decreased while ROS density and malondialdehyde content were elevated after excessive heavy metals enrichment. Besides, hepatic fat accumulation and inflammation injury were also observed under the excessive heavy metals enrichment while the metabolism biomarkers contents were decreased. Therefore, prolonged heavy metals enrichment would induce a series of hepatotoxicity by disturbing the microbes-gut-liver axis and hepatic transcription modes, which could decrease the overall metabolism level in bats. Our study provided protection strategy for biodiversity conservation and raised public attention to environment pollution.
Project description:Heavy metals have been postulated as significant nitrification inhibitor in wastewater treatment plant. The effect of heavy metals such as Cd2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ to nitrifying bacterium, Nitrosomonas europaea, was studied in pseudo-steady state batch reactor. Under incubation of Nitrosomonas europaea with 1 ?M CdCl2 for 1 hour, transcripts for 66 of 2460 genes were found at high level, yet transcripts of 50 genes were found at low level. Mercury resistance genes (merACDPT) showed 277-fold up regulation. Keywords: cadmium, stress response, global transcription, mercury resistance genes, merA,
Project description:Anthropogenic pollution has increased the levels of heavy metals in the environment. Bacterial populations continue to thrive in highly polluted environments and bacteria must have mechanisms to counter heavy metal stress. We chose to examine the response of the environmentally-relevant organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa to two different copper treatments. A short, 45 min exposure to copper was done in the Cu shock treatment to examine the immediate transcriptional profile to Cu stress. The Cu adapted treatment was designed to view the transcriptional profile of cells that were actively growing in the presence of Cu. Keywords: stress response
Project description:Many veterans live with military grade heavy metal fragments retained in soft tissue. Retained heavy metal fragments may negatively impact health in various organ systems and can manifest as gastrointestinal, neurocognitive, pulmonary and renal disturbances. As such, a better understanding of the long-term effects of retained metals and identification of biomarkers indicative of detrimental health outcomes would benefit clinical decision making. In this study, we analyzed serum microRNAs from rats with military-relevant pure metals implanted in the gastrocnemius muscle for 1, 3, 6, and 12 months in order to identify potential microRNA biomarkers that are indicative of exposure to one or more metals.
Project description:Heavy metals have been postulated as significant nitrification inhibitor in wastewater treatment plant. The effect of heavy metals such as Cd2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ to nitrifying bacterium, Nitrosomonas europaea, was studied in pseudo-steady state batch reactor. Under incubation of Nitrosomonas europaea with 1 ?M CdCl2 for 1 hour, transcripts for 66 of 2460 genes were found at high level, yet transcripts of 50 genes were found at low level. Mercury resistance genes (merACDPT) showed 277-fold up regulation. Keywords: cadmium, stress response, global transcription, mercury resistance genes, merA, The 1 uM CdCl2 caused more than 50 % inhibition in physiological response for 1 hour incubation. Transcriptional levels of the cells inhibited by cadmium were compared with the cells under control condition.
Project description:For environmental safety, the high concentration of heavy metals in the soil should be removed. Cadmium (Cd), one of the heavy metals polluting the soil while its concentration exceeds 3.4 mg/kg in soil. Potential use of cotton for remediating heavy Cd-polluted soils is available while its molecular mechanisms of Cd tolerance remains unclear in cotton. In this study, transcriptome analysis was used to identify the Cd tolerance genes and their potential mechanism in cotton. Finally 4,627 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the root, 3,022 DEGs in the stem and 3,854 DEGs in leaves were identified through RNA-Seq analysis, respectively. These genes contained heavy metal transporter genes (ABC, CDF, HMA, etc.), annexin genes, heat shock genes (HSP) amongst others. Gene ontology (GO) analysis showed that the DEGs were mainly involved in the oxidation-reduction process and metal ion binding. The DEGs mainly enriched in two pathways, the influenza A and the pyruvate pathway. GhHMAD5 protein, containing a heavy-metal domain, was identified in the pathway to transport or to detoxify the heavy ion. GhHMAD5-overexpressed plants of Arabidopsis thaliana showed the longer roots compared with the control. Meanwhile, GhHMAD5-silenced cotton plants showed more sensitive to Cd stress compared with the control. The results indicated that GhHMAD5 gene is remarkably involved in Cd tolerance, which gives us a preliminary understanding of Cd tolerance mechanisms in upland cotton. Overall, this study provides valuable information for the use of cotton to remediate the soil polluted with heavy metals.
Project description:DPRS treated by Cd2+, Ni2+ and Cr6+. We look into the differences in metaproteome of treated reactors and the control group, and aim to find the resistance mechanisms of DPRS toward heavy metals
Project description:From the results of gene expression analyses of HepG2 under the exposure of 2,3-Dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (DMNQ), N-nitrosodimethylamine (DMN), phenol and six heavy metals We showed that biological action of six heavy metals were clearly related to that of DMNQ and distinguishable from the other chemicals. These results suggest that oxidative stress is major apparent biological action of high dose heavy metals, supporting the previous reports. Experiment Overall Design: Using Affymetrix HG-Focus arrays, we compared the gene expression patterns of Hep G2 cells induced by six heavy metals (As, Cd, Ni, Sb, Hg or Cr) with that of DMNQ, DMN or phenol, and evaluated the toxicities of these heavy metals.