Project description:4C-rDNA procedure was used for analysis of genomic contacts of rDNA units in HEK 293T cells. The primers for 4C were selected downstream from EcoRI site at coordinate 30487 in rDNA sequence with Accession number U13369.1.
Project description:Over 2000 publicly accessible human and mouse ChIP-Seq datasets for about 250 Transcription Factors and chromatin complexes from various databases (ENCODE, GEO) were mapped to custom-made human and mouse genomes containing a reference rDNA sequence of the appropriate species (Genbank U13369.1 for human, BK000964.3 for mouse). The read mapping density across the rDNA sequence was then extracted and normalized to the median in that dataset. Unbiased clustering and analysis, followed by curation, was performed to identify high-confidence patterns of rDNA occupancy for numerous hematopoietic TFs and TF families at canonical TF motif sequences. ************************ Data processing steps: FASTQs were trimmed using Trimmomatic with the following parameters: LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:30 Reads were mapped to customized genomes (containing additional rDNA sequence) using Bowtie2 using the following parameter: -X 2000 Read density across the rDNA sequence was extracted using igvtools ************************
Project description:Transcription of the >200 rRNA genes (rDNA) by RNA Polymerase I (RPI) determines as much as 35% of total nuclear RNA synthesis and is a major determinant of cell growth implicated in a range of hypertrophic and developmental disorders. Activation of the rDNA involves the formation of an extended nucleosome free region (NFR) by the multi-HMGbox factor UBTF, which is also implicated with the RPI specific TBP-TAFI factor SL1 in preinitiation complex formation. However, neither factor alone displays significant DNA sequence binding specificity. Here we show that in cell cooperation between SL1 and the UBTF1 splice variant creates the sequence specificity required for promoter recognition. While both UBTF1 and UBTF2 splice variants bind throughout the rDNA NFR, only UBTF1 binds at the rDNA promoters. Conditional deletion of the Taf1b subunit of SL1 depleted UBTF1 from the rDNA promoters but not from elsewhere across the rDNA NFR. We show RPI promoters are particularly poor binding sites for UBTF and suggest an induced-fit model in which promoter-specific remodelling by UBTF1 creates high affinity sites for SL1 binding. A mouse model of the UBTF-E210K pediatric neurodegeneration syndrome suggests this mutation affects cooperativity of UBTF-SL1 promoter recruitment and further supports the induced-fit model.
Project description:We report the effect of degradation of CEBPA (a critical myeloid lineage transcription factor) on the occupancy of core rRNA transcription machinery on rDNA in mouse GMP cells. We generated a CEBPA-Degron line by tagging endogenous alleles of the Cebpa gene with the FKBPV degron domain, and degraded CEBPA-FKBPV-FLAG fusion protein using dTAGV-1 ligand. We used anti-FLAG pulldown to demonstrate binding of CEBPA protein to rDNA at a conserved motif within the 18S transcribed region. On degradation of CEBPA, we found that RPA194 (component of Pol I) and RRN3 occupancy on rDNA were reduced, while the occupancy of upstream factors TAF1B (component of SL-1) and UBTF were unchanged. In parallel, we also found that CEBPA degradation reduced nascent rRNA transcription, cellular ribosome abundance, and cell growth. Our work indicates that the cell-type-specific transcription factor CEBPA recruits the Pol I-RRN3 complex to ribosomal DNA to promote rRNA transcription.
Project description:4C procedure was used for analysis of genomic contacts of rDNA units in HEK 293T cells. The primers for 4C were selected downstream from EcoRI site at coordinate 30487 in rDNA sequence with Accession number U13369.1.
Project description:DNA oligonucleotide microarrays were designed with 307 probes for 96 internal transcribed spacer (ITS1, located between 18S and 26S rRNA genes) sequences of known species and strains from the genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae). In addition, microarrays also carried 1893 probes targeting ITS1 aequences of marine Crenarchaeota and Alphaproteobacteria of SAR11 clade. In order to assign microarray profiles to Pseudo-nitzschia ribotypes and species and to 'train' the data analysis system, we grew cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia in the laboratory with identities confirmed through rDNA sequence analysis. In total, 9 cultures and 35 environmental water samples were hybridized to microarrays, in some cases, in duplicate or triplicate. Analysis of microarray data allowed us to identify and map Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in the coastal waters along Washington and Oregon coast of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, and to observe seasonal changes in diatom community composition.