Project description:We analyzed global gene expression in the crown tip of 2 pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) inbred lines with high (line 249) and low (line 220) root soil aggregation using RNAseq. The obtective was to identify genes potentially associated with changes in rhizosheath formation.
Project description:We analysed global gene expression in the primary root tip of 2 pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) inbred lines with high (line 249) and low (line 337) primary root growth using RNAseq. The objective was to identify genes potentially associated with changes in root growth.
Project description:Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is a cereal crop well-adapted to arid and high-temperature environments. Its root system exhibits a high degree of complexity, comprising distinct root types with specific anatomical and functional characteristics. These include the primary root, which is established during embryogenesis; crown roots, which develop at the base of the stem post-embryonically; and lateral roots, which emerge from both the primary and crown roots. In this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of gene expression profiles across these distinct root types to better understand their functional specialization.
Project description:BackgroundGenetic improvement of pearl millet is lagging behind most of the major crops. Development of genomic resources is expected to expedite breeding for improved agronomic traits, stress tolerance, yield, and nutritional quality. Genotyping a breeding population with high throughput markers enables exploration of genetic diversity, population structure, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) which are important preludes for marker-trait association studies and application of genomic-assisted breeding.ResultsGenotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) libraries of 309 inbred lines derived from landraces and improved varieties from Africa and India generated 54,770 high quality single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. On average one SNP per 29 Kb was mapped in the reference genome, with the telomeric regions more densely mapped than the pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes. Population structure analysis using 30,208 SNPs evenly distributed in the genome divided 309 accessions into five subpopulations with different levels of admixture. Pairwise genetic distance (GD) between accessions varied from 0.09 to 0.33 with the average distance of 0.28. Rapid LD decay implied low tendency of markers inherited together. Genetic differentiation estimates were the highest between subgroups 4 and 5, and the lowest between subgroups 1 and 2.ConclusionsPopulation genomic analysis of pearl millet inbred lines derived from diverse geographic and agroecological features identified five subgroups mostly following pedigree differences with different levels of admixture. It also revealed the prevalence of high genetic diversity in pearl millet, which is very useful in defining heterotic groups for hybrid breeding, trait mapping, and holds promise for improving pearl millet for yield and nutritional quality. The short LD decay observed suggests an absence of persistent haplotype blocks in pearl millet. The diverse genetic background of these lines and their low LD make this set of germplasm useful for traits mapping.
Project description:Several studies suggest that cis-regulatory mutations are the favorite target of evolutionary changes, one reason being that cis-regulatory mutations might have fewer deleterious pleiotropic effects than protein-coding mutations. A review of the process also suggests that this bias towards adaptive cis-regulatory variation might be less pronounced at the intraspecific level compared with the interspecific level. In this study, we assessed the contribution of cis-regulatory variation to adaptation at the intraspecific level using populations of wild pearl millet (Cenchrus americanus ssp. monodii) sampled along an environmental gradient in Niger. From RNA sequencing of hybrids to assess allele-specific expression, we identified genes with cis-regulatory divergence between two parental accessions collected in contrasted environmental conditions. This revealed that ∼15% of transcribed genes showed cis-regulatory variation. Intersecting the gene set exhibiting cis-regulatory variation with the gene set identified as targets of selection revealed no excess of cis-acting mutations among the selected genes. We additionally found no excess of cis-regulatory variation among genes associated with adaptive traits. As our approach relied on methods identifying mainly genes submitted to strong selection pressure or with high phenotypic effect, the contribution of cis-regulatory changes to soft selection or polygenic adaptive traits remains to be tested. However our results favor the hypothesis that enrichment of adaptive cis-regulatory divergence builds up over time. For short evolutionary time-scales, cis-acting mutations are not predominantly involved in adaptive evolution associated with strong selective signal.
Project description:Pearl millet is a non-model grain and fodder crop adapted to extremely hot and dry environments globally. In India, a great deal of public and private sectors' investment has focused on developing pearl millet single cross hybrids based on the cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility (CMS) system, while in Africa most pearl millet production relies on open pollinated varieties. Pearl millet lines were phenotyped for both the inbred parents and hybrids stage. Many breeding efforts focus on phenotypic selection of inbred parents to generate improved parental lines and hybrids. This study evaluated two genotyping techniques and four genomic selection schemes in pearl millet. Despite the fact that 6× more sequencing data were generated per sample for RAD-seq than for tGBS, tGBS yielded more than 2× as many informative SNPs (defined as those having MAF > 0.05) than RAD-seq. A genomic prediction scheme utilizing only data from hybrids generated prediction accuracies (median) ranging from 0.73-0.74 (1000-grain weight), 0.87-0.89 (days to flowering time), 0.48-0.51 (grain yield) and 0.72-0.73 (plant height). For traits with little to no heterosis, hybrid only and hybrid/inbred prediction schemes performed almost equivalently. For traits with significant mid-parent heterosis, the direct inclusion of phenotypic data from inbred lines significantly (P < 0.05) reduced prediction accuracy when all lines were analyzed together. However, when inbreds and hybrid trait values were both scored relative to the mean trait values for the respective populations, the inclusion of inbred phenotypic datasets moderately improved genomic predictions of the hybrid genomic estimated breeding values. Here we show that modern approaches to genotyping by sequencing can enable genomic selection in pearl millet. While historical pearl millet breeding records include a wealth of phenotypic data from inbred lines, we demonstrate that the naive incorporation of this data into a hybrid breeding program can reduce prediction accuracy, while controlling for the effects of heterosis per se allowed inbred genotype and trait data to improve the accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values for pearl millet hybrids.