Project description:We isolated mouse spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) and employed the in vitro propagation of mouse SSCs.We got patterns of mRNA expression of Bisphnel A (BPA)- treated SSCs and untreated SSCs by RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq).GO and KEGG pathway enrichment analyses were executed to determine the principal function of the differential expressiongenes (DEGs).“Regulation of programmed cell death” and “regulation of apoptotic process” were enriched in the BPA-treated SSCs by GO analysis, and “apoptosis” pathway was clustered by KEGG analysis.Among the genes involved in “apoptosis”pathway, Atf4 (Activating transcription factor 4,an apoptotic transcription factor) and Ddit3 (DNA damage inducible transcript 3,also referred to as Chop) were significantly up-regulated in BPA-treated SSCs groups, which were proved by qPCR.
Project description:Environmental factors during perinatal development influence developmental plasticity and disease susceptibility via alterations to the epigenome. Developmental exposure to the endocrine active compound, bisphenol A (BPA), has previously been associated with altered methylation at candidate gene loci. Here, we undertake the first genome-wide characterization of DNA methylation profiles in the liver of murine offspring perinatally exposed to multiple doses of BPA through the maternal diet. Using a tiered focusing approach, our strategy proceeds from unbiased broad DNA methylation analysis using methylation-based next generation sequencing technology to in-depth quantitative site-specific CpG methylation determination using the Sequenom EpiTYPER MassARRAY platform to profile liver DNA methylation patterns in offspring maternally exposed to BPA during gestation and lactation to doses ranging from 0 BPA/kg (Ctr), 50 M-BM-5g BPA/kg (UG), or 50 mg BPA/kg (MG) diet (N=4 per group). Genome-wide analyses indicate non-monotonic effects of DNA methylation patterns following perinatal exposure to BPA, corroborating previous studies using multiple doses of BPA with non-monotonic outcomes. We observed enrichment of regions of altered methylation (RAMs) within CpG island (CGI) shores, but little evidence of RAM enrichment in CGIs. An analysis of promoter regions identified several hundred novel BPA-associated methylation events, and methylation alterations in the Myh7b and Slc22a12 gene promoters were validated. Using the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, a number of candidate genes that have previously been associated with BPA-related gene expression changes were identified, and gene set enrichment testing identified epigenetically dysregulated pathways involved in metabolism and stimulus response. In this study, non-monotonic dose dependent alterations in DNA methylation among BPA-exposed mouse liver samples and their relevant pathways were identified and validated. The comprehensive methylome map presented here provides candidate loci underlying the role of early BPA exposure and later in life health and disease status. For this study, liver DNA from a subset of a/a wild-type animals was analyzed for full methylome characteristics: 1) standard diet (Ctr, n = 4 offspring; 2 male and 2 female); 2) 50 M-BM-5g BPA/kg diet (UG, n = 4 offspring; 2 male and 2 female); 3) 50 mg BPA/kg diet (MG, n = 4 offspring; 1 male and 3 female).
Project description:Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor (ED), has raised concerns for both human and ecosystem health. Epigenetic factors, including microRNAs, are key regulators of gene expression during cancer. The effect of BPA exposure on the zebrafish epigenome remains poorly characterized. Zebrafish represents an excellent model to study cancer as the organism develops disease that resembles human cancer. Using zebrafish as systems toxicology model, we hypothesized that chronic BPA-exposure impacts the miRNome in adult zebrafish and establishes an epigenome more susceptible to cancer development. After a 3 week exposure to 100 nM BPA, RNA from the liver was extracted to perform high throughput mRNA and miRNA sequencing. Differential expression (DE) analyses comparing BPA-exposed to control specimens were performed using established bioinformatics pipelines. In the BPA-exposed liver, 6,188 mRNAs and 15 miRNAs were differently expressed (q ≤ 0.1). By analyzing human orthologs of the DE zebrafish genes, signatures associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction and cell cycle were uncovered. Chronic exposure to BPA has a significant impact on the liver miRNome in adult zebrafish and has the potential to cause adverse outcomes including cancer.
Project description:Environmental factors during perinatal development influence developmental plasticity and disease susceptibility via alterations to the epigenome. Developmental exposure to the endocrine active compound, bisphenol A (BPA), has previously been associated with altered methylation at candidate gene loci. Here, we undertake the first genome-wide characterization of DNA methylation profiles in the liver of murine offspring perinatally exposed to multiple doses of BPA through the maternal diet. Using a tiered focusing approach, our strategy proceeds from unbiased broad DNA methylation analysis using methylation-based next generation sequencing technology to in-depth quantitative site-specific CpG methylation determination using the Sequenom EpiTYPER MassARRAY platform to profile liver DNA methylation patterns in offspring maternally exposed to BPA during gestation and lactation to doses ranging from 0 BPA/kg (Ctr), 50 µg BPA/kg (UG), or 50 mg BPA/kg (MG) diet (N=4 per group). Genome-wide analyses indicate non-monotonic effects of DNA methylation patterns following perinatal exposure to BPA, corroborating previous studies using multiple doses of BPA with non-monotonic outcomes. We observed enrichment of regions of altered methylation (RAMs) within CpG island (CGI) shores, but little evidence of RAM enrichment in CGIs. An analysis of promoter regions identified several hundred novel BPA-associated methylation events, and methylation alterations in the Myh7b and Slc22a12 gene promoters were validated. Using the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, a number of candidate genes that have previously been associated with BPA-related gene expression changes were identified, and gene set enrichment testing identified epigenetically dysregulated pathways involved in metabolism and stimulus response. In this study, non-monotonic dose dependent alterations in DNA methylation among BPA-exposed mouse liver samples and their relevant pathways were identified and validated. The comprehensive methylome map presented here provides candidate loci underlying the role of early BPA exposure and later in life health and disease status.
Project description:In this study, we investigated the effects of prenatal bisphenol-A (BPA) exposure on transcriptome profiles in the frontal cortex of the rat offspring. Transcriptome profiling by RNA-seq analysis of frontal cortex tissues isolated from neonatal pups prenatally exposed to BPA revealed that a list of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Ntng1, Auts2, and Ankrd11 was dysregulated in a sex-specific pattern. The gene ontology analysis revealed that the BPA-responsive genes in the offspring’s frontal cortex were significantly associated with ASD-related neurological functions. These results indicated that prenatal BPA exposure may increase the risk of ASD by impacting ASD-related genes in the offspring’s frontal cortex. We conducted experiments using the frontal cortex from neonatal pups prenatally exposed to BPA or vehicle control (BPA treament; pooled 3 pups frontal cortex, vehicle control; pooled 3 pups frontal cortex). 10-week-old female rats were daily treated with BPA at the concentration of 5,000 microgram/kilogram of maternal body weight or vehicle control from gestation day 1 (GD1) until parturition. Total RNAs were isolated and cDNAs were synthesized. The transcriptome profiles were performed using a high-throughtput RNA-seq.
Project description:Bisphenol A (BPA) is primarily used to make polycarbonate plastic, with a global capacity of production exceeding 8 million tons per year. Biomonitoring studies with human urine, blood and tissue samples suggest that humans are subjected to widespread and continuous exposure to BPA. It has been well established that early life exposure to BPA predisposes the prostate gland to carcinogenesis later in life. However, it remains unknown if BPA exposure during adulthood induces benign or neoplastic pathology in the prostate. The main objective of the present study is to determine the effects of BPA exposures during adulthood on the prostate and to characterize the global transcriptional reprogramming underlying endocrine disruption by BPA. We elevated circulating levels of free BPA in Noble rats to the human-relevant internal dose range with BPA-filled Silastic implants while maintaining the physiological levels of testosterone (T) with T-filled implants. Cotreatment with T and 17β-estradiol (E2) was our reference regimen which induced preneoplastic and cancereous lesions. The T + low/high dose of BPA induced prostatic hyperplasia, low-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (LGPIN) and intraepithelial infiltration of T-lymphocytes specifically in the lateral prostate (LP). Using microarray analysis, we delineated specific impacts of low and high dose of BPA (with the T-support) on the gene expression program in LPs. Hierarchical clustering revealed that the endocrine disrupting effects of T + low dose of BPA showed partial resemblance to those of T + high dose of BPA and T+E2. In contrast, the influence of T+ high dose of BPA on the LP transcriptome was completely different from those of T + E2. Further, IPA analysis of specific T+ low or high BPA gene signature identified a transcription factor, HNF4α, as a regulatory hub affecting a number of differentially expressed genes by BPA exposures. These findings suggest that the adult rat prostate is still venerable to the endocrine disrupting effects of BPA. Perhaps chronic exposure to low dose of BPA provides a niche comprising heightened cell proliferation, inflammatory responses and disrupted gene expression program, which favor the onset and development of prostatic benign or malignant diseases in men. Rat lateral prostates were collected from untreated control and treated groups [Testosterone (T) + Estradiol (E2), T + low dose Bisphenol A (low BPA) and T + high BPA] for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We sought to identify transcriptional signature of BPA exposures in the lateral prostate gland.
Project description:Bisphenol A (BPA) is an environmental endocrine disruptor which has been detected in almost all human bodies. Many studies have implied that BPA exposure is harmful to human health. Previous studies mainly focused on BPA effects on ER-positive cells. Genome-wide impact of BPA on gene regulation in ER-negative cells is unclear. In the present study, we performed RNA-seq to characterize BPA-induced gene regulation on ER-negative HEK 293 cells.
Project description:Embryonic period is sensitive window of bisphenol A (BPA) exposure. However, embryonic development is a highly dynamic process with changing cell populations and gene expression profiles. Heterogeneity effects of BPA on fish embryonic development remain not clear. This study applied single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze the impact of BPA exposure on transcriptome heterogeneity of 64683 cells from zebrafish embryos at 8, 12 and 30 hpf. A total of 38 cell populations were identified, and gene expression profiles of 16 cell populations were significantly altered by BPA exposure. The strongest toxic effects of BPA were found at 12 hpf of segmentation stage, which is an active stage of cell differentiation. At 8 hpf, BPA mainly influenced the outer layer cell populations of embryos, such as neural plate border and enveloping layer cells. At 12 and 30 hpf, nervous system formation and heart morphogenesis were disturbed. Differential process of neural plate border, neural crest, and neuron cells was altered, leading to increased neurogenesis. For the forebrain, midbrain, neurons, and optic cells, the altered cell division and DNA replication and repair were identified. Our study for the first time provides the comprehensive understanding of BPA toxicity on fish embryo development at single-cell levels.
Project description:Purpose: the goal of this project is to study the effects of the bisphenol A (BPA) in the transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of exposed zebrafish larvae. Methods: Total RNA was isolated from the samples using AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, CA, USA) as described by the manufacturer. Three high quality sample per condition were chosen to the mRNA enrichment using KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit Illumina® Platforms (Kapa Biosystems). Transcriptomic profiles were generated by deep sequencing using Illumina TruSeq SBS Kit v3-HS (pair-ended; 2x76bp) on a HiSeq2000 sequencing system. Images analysis, base calling and quality scoring of the run were processed using the manufacturer’s software Real Time Analysis (RTA 1.13.48) and followed by generation of FASTQ sequence files by CASAVA. Statistical analysis: RNA-seq reads were aligned to the D. rerio reference genome (GRCz10) using STAR version 2.5.1b . Genes annotated in GRCz10.84 were quantified using RSEM version 1.2.28 with default parameters. Differential expression analysis between all BPA conditions was performed with the DESeq2 (v.1.10.1) R package with the Likelihood ratio test option. ANOVA-PLS was performed on the normalized data using the lmdme package in R (v. 1.0.136, R Core Team). Results: We generated on average 40 million paired-end reads for each sample and identified aproximatelly 25000 transcripts. 2539 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected which could be divided in 3 clusters including 960, 1132 and 447 genes, respectively. Affected metabolic pathways were analyzed from the DEGs: liver development, lipid transport, lysosome and protein glycosylation, metabolic pathways for lipids, glutathione, retinol, and steroid hormones, and cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism in adittion to protein ubiquitination and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathways' were down or upregulated. Conclusions: The results suggest the interaction of BPA with different signaling pathways, being the estrogenic and retinoid receptors two likely BPA targets. We concluded that our analysis allowed us the identification of underlying molecular mechanisms occurring simultaneously at the exposed animals. While this approach is very useful to analyze the effects of compounds, like BPA, able to interact with different cellular targets, we believe that it can be also applied to the characterization of the different toxic components present in complex natural mixtures.
Project description:Bisphenol A (BPA) is a xenobiotic endocrine disrupting chemical. In vitro and in vivo studies indicated that BPA alters endocrine-metabolic pathways in adipose tissue increasing the risk of developing metabolic disorders. BPA effects on human adipocytes, specifically in children, are poorly investigated. To investigate in childhood the effect of exposure to BPA on metabolic disorders we analyzed in vitro the effects of environmentally relevant doses of BPA on gene expression of mature human adipocytes from pre-pubertal lean patients and on related physiological outcomes. Adipocytes from children were treated in vitro with BPA and gene expression was evaluated by qRT-PCR. Genome wide analyses were performed using GeneChip® Human Gene 1.0 ST array. Lipid content in adipocytes was estimated by ORO staining and Triglyceride Quantification Kit. Secreted IL-1β, in adipocytes culture medium, and insulin, in PANC-1 culture medium, were performed using ELISA assays. BPA was found to promote up-regulation of ERα and ERRγ, and down-regulation of GPR30 expression modulating estrogen signaling and following a non-linear dose-response. Microarray data analysis demonstrated that BPA increases the gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and lipid metabolism-related FABP4 and CD36 in adipocytes. PCSK1 resulted the most interesting gene being down-regulated by BPA thus impairing insulin production in pancreas. BPA promotes inflammation and lipid metabolism dysregulation in adipocytes from lean children. Moreover, PCSK1 can be a key gene in BPA action modulating insulin production. Exposure to BPA in childhood may be an important risk factor in developing obesity and metabolic disorders.