Project description:Embryonic diapause is a widely occurring evolutionary adaptation phenomenon in animals. Artemia is one of the classic animal models for diapause research. The current studies of Artemia diapause mainly focus on the induction and maintenance of the embryonic diapause, but there is little research on the molecular regulatory mechanism of Artemia embryonic diapause termination (EDT) and embryonic reactivation. Here the gene expression of Artemia cyst at 30min after embryonic diapause termination (EDT), which is in post-diapause stage were tested by ATAC-seq to analyze the mechanism of signal regulation involved in Artemia EDT at the molecular level.
Project description:Dunaliella salina Bardawil (also known as Dunaliella bardawil) is an extremophilic, unicellular green alga from the Chlorophyte lineage. D. salina is found in hypersaline environments where it can tolerate extremes of heat, light, pH, and up to saturating concentrations of salt. The D. salina Bardawil isolate (UTEX LB 2538) was found in a salt pond near the Bardawil Lagoon on the Sinai peninsula in 1976. This isolate of D. salina is the richest natural source of beta-carotene, a highly valuable commercial product. This accession includes an RNA-Seq analysis of D. salina Bardawil cultures grown in iron-replete (1.5 µM) or iron-deficient (0 µM) media.