Project description:Metagenomic Analysis of Viruses in Mosquito Viromes Isolated From Yunnan Province in China Reveals Genes From Vital Viruses
| PRJNA750523 | ENA
Project description:Metagenomic Analysis of Viruses in Bat Viromes Isolated From Yunnan Province in China Reveals Genes From Vital Viruses
| PRJNA750561 | ENA
Project description:Metagenomic Analysis of Togaviridae in Mosquito Viromes Isolated From Yunnan Province in China Reveals Genes From Chikungunya and Ross River Viruses
| PRJNA744382 | ENA
Project description:Metagenomic Analysis of Flaviviridae in Mosquito Viromes Isolated from Yunnan Province in China
| PRJNA472635 | ENA
Project description:Metagenomic sequencing from pangolins in China reveals a variety of human viruses
Project description:To elucidate the potential role of commensal viruses in the etiology of AR, we performed a metagenomic analysis of nasal lavage fluid (NLF) to identify commensal viruses in the nose of mice colonizing in the specific pathogen-free (SPF) circumstances (Vehicle group). To evaluate the potential role of these commensal viruses, we reduced them in the nose of mice by administrating intranasal drops of broad-spectrum antiviral drug ribavirin daily, starting at 4-week-old and lasting for three weeks (Ribavirin group).
Project description:A novel henipavirus (HNV) named Langya virus (LayV) was isolated in human patients in China in August 2022. It is closely related to Mòjiāng virus (MojV) and represents the first instance of HNV zoonosis to humans outside of Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra viruses (HeV). Within this work, mass spectrometry glycoproteomic analysis revealed that although the LayV F protein has reduced glycosylation compared to its NiV and HeV counterparts, a unique glycan was identified positioned at the DIII apex, shielding a previously identified site of vulnerability in NiV F.
Project description:Determination of miRNA profiles in most prominent mosquitoes will determine the potential targets for mosquito control Some of the most medically important viruses, such as dengue virus, West Nile virus, Zika virus, and yellow fever virus, are transmitted by mosquitoes. These aptly named arboviruses impose a tremendous cost to the health of populations around the world. As a result, much effort has gone into the study of the impact of these viruses in human infections. Comparatively less efforts, however, have been made to study the way these viruses interact with mosquitos themselves. It has long been held that these viruses are introduced into the midgut of mosquitoes upon ingestion of a blood meal before being transmitted within the saliva upon subsequent feeding. This sequence requires that the mosquito be able to defend itself from infection every step along the way-from ingesting bloodmeal to subsequent feeding. The main defense mechanisms employed by the mosquitoes to control viruses is RNA interference (RNAi). Modulation of this facet of the mosquito’s immune system would thereby suggest a practical strategy for vector control. This paper will provide an up to date overview of the mosquito’s immune system along with novel data describing miRNA profiles for Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasiatus in Grenada, West Indies.