Project description:<p>The third leading cause of death in the United States, stroke is an acute neurological event leading to death of neural tissues.
Although the majority of strokes are ischemic strokes, meaning there is oxygen deprivation to the brain, almost 20% of strokes are
hemorrhagic, resulting from bleeding into the brain. Stroke is a complex disorder and likely multigenic in nature, resulting from
a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These well characterized risk factors that contribute to the incidence of stroke
include hypertension, cardiac disease, sickle cell disease, hyperhomocysteinemia, family history of stroke and smoking.
<p>ISGS aim is to perform a prospective genetic association study of ischemic stroke focusing on the hemostatic system. ISGS
is a 5-center case-control study of first-ever ischemic stroke cases and concurrent controls individually matched for age,
sex and recruitment site.
<p>This data includes that from subjects both banked in the <a href="">
NINDS repository</a> with biologicals publicly available, and those whose samples are not banked/not available.
<!-- <p><b>Important links to apply for individual-level data</b>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Data Use Certification Requirements (DUC)</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Apply here for controlled access to individual level data</a></li>
<li><a href="GetPdf.cgi?id=phd000582" target="_blank">Participant Protection Policy FAQ</a></li>
</p> -->
<p>This study utilized the <a href="./study.cgi?id=phs000005">NINDS Repository Cerebrovascular/Stroke Study</a>,
and <a href="./study.cgi?id=phs000004">neurologically normal controls</a> from the sample population which are banked in the National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS Repository) collection for a first stage whole genome analysis.</p>
Project description:<p>The third leading cause of death in the United States, stroke is an acute neurological event leading to death of neural tissues.
Although the majority of strokes are ischemic strokes, meaning there is oxygen deprivation to the brain, almost 20% of strokes are
hemorrhagic, resulting from bleeding into the brain. Stroke is a complex disorder and likely multigenic in nature, resulting from
a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These well characterized risk factors that contribute to the incidence of stroke
include hypertension, cardiac disease, sickle cell disease, hyperhomocysteinemia, family history of stroke and smoking.
<p>ISGS aim is to perform a prospective genetic association study of ischemic stroke focusing on the hemostatic system. ISGS
is a 5-center case-control study of first-ever ischemic stroke cases and concurrent controls individually matched for age,
sex and recruitment site.
<p>This data includes that from subjects both banked in the <a href="">
NINDS repository</a> with biologicals publicly available, and those whose samples are not banked/not available.
<!-- <p><b>Important links to apply for individual-level data</b>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Data Use Certification Requirements (DUC)</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Apply here for controlled access to individual level data</a></li>
<li><a href="GetPdf.cgi?id=phd000582" target="_blank">Participant Protection Policy FAQ</a></li>
</p> -->
<p>This study utilized the <a href="./study.cgi?id=phs000005">NINDS Repository Cerebrovascular/Stroke Study</a>,
and <a href="./study.cgi?id=phs000004">neurologically normal controls</a> from the sample population which are banked in the National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS Repository) collection for a first stage whole genome analysis.</p>
Project description:BackgroundThe molecular basis for the genetic risk of ischemic stroke is likely to be multigenic and influenced by environmental factors. Several small case-control studies have suggested associations between ischemic stroke and polymorphisms of genes that code for coagulation cascade proteins and platelet receptors. Our aim is to investigate potential associations between hemostatic gene polymorphisms and ischemic stroke, with particular emphasis on detailed characterization of the phenotype.Methods/designThe Ischemic Stroke Genetic Study is a prospective, multicenter genetic association study in adults with recent first-ever ischemic stroke confirmed with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Patients are evaluated at academic medical centers in the United States and compared with sex- and age-matched controls. Stroke subtypes are determined by central blinded adjudication using standardized, validated mechanistic and syndromic classification systems. The panel of genes to be tested for polymorphisms includes beta-fibrinogen and platelet glycoprotein Ia, Iba, and IIb/IIIa. Immortalized cell lines are created to allow for time- and cost-efficient testing of additional candidate genes in the future.DiscussionThe study is designed to minimize survival bias and to allow for exploring associations between specific polymorphisms and individual subtypes of ischemic stroke. The data set will also permit the study of genetic determinants of stroke outcome. Having cell lines will permit testing of future candidate risk factor genes.
Project description:<p>The NHLBI "Grand Opportunity" Exome Sequencing Project (GO-ESP), a signature project of the NHLBI Recovery Act investment, was designed to identify genetic variants in coding regions (exons) of the human genome (the "exome") that are associated with heart, lung and blood diseases. These and related diseases that are of high impact to public health and individuals from diverse racial and ethnic groups will be studied. These data may help researchers understand the causes of disease, contributing to better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases, as well as determine whether to tailor prevention and treatments to specific populations. This could lead to more effective treatments and reduce the likelihood of side effects. GO-ESP is comprised of five collaborative components: 3 cohort consortia - HeartGO, LungGO, and WHISP - and 2 sequencing centers - BroadGO and SeattleGO.</p> <p>The Ischemic Stroke Genetics Study (ISGS) is a study of newly onset cases (~600) with ischemic stroke (a stroke due to sudden interruption of blood flow to a part of the brain) compared with sex- and age-matched non-stroke participants. The study was conducted to determine the genes and their variants that contribute to an individual's risk of developing an ischemic stroke. The coordination of the recruitment and flow of the samples occurred at the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, under the direction of James F. Meschia, MD. The University of Virginia (Stephen S. Rich, PhD) served as the analytic site for the genetic data. All GWAS data on ISGS participants have been deposited into dbGaP. As part of the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project, DNA from a subset of ISGS participants will undergo exome sequencing.</p> <p>For the NHLBI ESP, a subset of 92 individuals with lacunar (small vessel) or atherosclerotic (large vessel) TOAST subtypes were selected from among all ISGS participants, excluding those individuals with TOAST subtypes of stroke of other etiology or of stroke with undetermined etiology. All 92 samples pass initial quality control metrics and 89 samples completed exome sequencing. A total of 75 participants with appropriate consent and variant calls had their genetic and phenotypic data deposited into dbGaP.</p>
Project description:We performed a genome-wide methylation study in whole-blood DNA from 404 ischemic stroke patient cohort, distributed across 3 ischemic stroke subtypes: Large-artery atherosclerosis (n=132), Small-artery disease (n=141) and Cardio embolic (n=127) . Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array was used to measure DNA methylation in CpG sites. We performed a genome-wide methylation study in whole-blood DNA from 185 ischemic stroke patient cohort. Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array was used to measure DNA methylation in CpG sites.
Project description:The purpose of this project was to elucidate gene expression in the peripheral whole blood of acute ischemic stroke patients to identify a panel of genes for the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke. Peripheral blood samples were collected in Paxgene Blood RNA tubes from stroke patients who were >18 years of age with MRI diagnosed ischemic stroke and controls who were non-stroke neurologically healthy. The results suggest a panel of genes can be used to diagnose ischemic stroke, and provide information about the biological pathways involved in the response to acute ischemic stroke in humans. Total RNA extracted from whole blood in n=39 ischemic stroke patients compared to n=24 healthy control subjects.
Project description:Elevated plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke, however the etiology remains poorly understood. Elevated homocysteine is known to inhibit methyltransferases including DNA methyltransferases, but no methylome-wide analysis of elevated homocysteine has been reported. Peripheral blood genomic DNA methylation in 8 Singaporean-Chinese ischemic stroke patients (4 male, 4 female) with varying homocysteine titer and hypertensive status were profiled using methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) protein-enriched genome sequencing (MBD-seq) on Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx. A methylome wide screen was undertaken for gender, total plasma homocysteine, hypertension and age. The data show considerable variability within the small cohort, including at genes which are related to one carbon metabolism and cardiovascular disease. Peripheral blood genomic DNA methylation in 8 Singaporean-Chinese ischemic stroke patients (4 male, 4 female) was profiled using methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) protein-enriched genome sequencing (MBD-seq) on Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx. Methylation parrterns were correlated with homocysteine levels, lypertensive status, gender and age.
Project description:Analysis of microglial gene expression profiles after ischemic stroke. Stroke is a complicated disease caused by the interaction of multiple celltypes. Results provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying microglial activation after ischemic stroke.