Project description:The goals of this study are to compare transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of seletive BET inhibitior, combiantion of BET and p300 inhibitor, and dual BET/p300 inhibitor in pancreatic cancer model (PANC1 cells) and study the anticancer mechanism. Using an optimized data analysis workflow, we mapped about 20 million sequence reads per sample to the human genome (build hg38) using Burrows Wheeler Aligner- Maximum Exact Match (BWA MEM) algorithm. The raw count for each gene was quantified using the general purpose read summarization function, featureCounts gainst ENSEMBL genes. Differential analysis was performed using edgeR, including a batch effect correction for batch effects. Geneset enrichment analysis based on the differential analysis idenfied few essential pathways that was the mechansim of action, including KRAS, TGFb, etc.
Project description:Methods: We performed mRNA sequence analysis by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina HiSeq to assess the impact of PHLPP1 knockdown in regulating gene expression in RAW 264.7 cells treated with/without OxLDL. The transcriptome libraries were constructed using the NEB adapters and were sequenced on at 150 nucleotide read length using the paired-end chemistry. The raw reads were subjected to Adapter and low-quality reads removal by Trimmomatic -0.36v. The raw reads were subjected to contamination [structural RNA / low complexity sequences] removal by mapping with bowtie 2-2.2.1. The decontaminated data set was mapped to the mouse genome. Reads mapping to gene list were counted using feature count module of sub reads package. The read counts were normalized in DESeq2-3.5, and subject to differential expression analysis. Differentially expressed genes were selected based on log2-ratio change with p-value <0.05 (Student’s t-test, unpaired). Hierarchical clustering was performed with the programs Cluster (uncentered correlation; average linkage clustering) and Treeview. Results: To gain a deeper understanding of the role of PHLPP1 in lipid metabolism in macrophages, we performed mRNA Seq analysis to assess the gene expression changes in a mouse macrophage cell line. The experiment has been carried out in triplicates. Alignment of the reads showed 97% alignment to the reference mouse genome. Identification of the differentially expressed genes were then carried out by DESeq2 version 1.2.10 with stringent criteria (FDR <0.05% with 2 fold up and down regulation) which reveals in control treated vs. control (121-down, 396-Up), Test vs. Control - (326-down, 569 Up) and Test treated vs. control treated (1314-down, 1328 up) of DEG to be altered in expression respectively. Inference: RNA-seq analysis revealed that PHLPP1 knockdown parallel with OxLDL treatment resulted in diminished expression profile of cholesterol biosynthesis and lipid metabolism genes.