Project description:Other than the Methanobacteriales and Methanomassiliicoccales, the characteristics of archaea that inhabit the animal microbiome are largely unknown. Methanimicrococcus blatticola, a member of the Methanosarcinales, currently reunites two unique features within this order: it is a colonizer of the animal digestive tract and can only reduce methyl compounds with H2 for methanogenesis, a increasingly recognized metabolism in the archaea and whose origin remains debated. To understand the origin of these characteristics, we have carried out a large-scale comparative genomic analysis. We infer the loss of more than a thousand genes in M. blatticola, by far the largest genome reduction across all Methanosarcinales. These include numerous elements for sensing the environment and adapting to more stable gut conditions, as well as a significant remodeling of the cell surface components likely involved in host and gut microbiota interactions. Several of these modifications parallel those previously observed in phylogenetically distant archaea and bacteria from the animal microbiome, suggesting large-scale convergent mechanisms of adaptation to the gut. Strikingly, M. blatticola has lost almost all genes coding for the H4MPT methyl branch of the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway (to the exception of mer), a phenomenon never reported before in any member of Class I or Class II methanogens. The loss of this pathway illustrates one of the evolutionary processes that may have led to the emergence of methyl-reducing hydrogenotrophic methanogens, possibly linked to the colonization of organic-rich environments (including the animal gut) where both methyl compounds and hydrogen are abundant.
Project description:A survey for nematode infection in German cockroaches captured in restaurants in various areas of Japan as well as the laboratory-bred colony was carried out. The nematodes were then identified morphologically and molecularly. Of the 320 German cockroaches collected at 79 restaurants in 26 prefectures in Japan, 66.6% (213/320) were found to be parasitized by a single species of pinworm in the hindgut. The mean number of pinworms per cockroach was less than 1.6. Of the three laboratory-bred lines of cockroaches examined, 2 lines (NIID and NK) were found to be infected with a single species of nematode. The prevalence was 93.0% (40/43) and 84.8% (39/46), respectively. The other laboratory line (WAT) was found to be free of the nematode infection. The nematode detected in this study was identified as Blatticola blattae. This is the first report of B. blattae infection in German cockroaches in Japan. Our study showed that B. blattae is distributed all over Japan together with its host Blattella germanica. An experimental infection with B. blattae in nematode-free cockroach by contaminating the rearing environment with infected-cockroach feces showed that once the environment of the cockroach is contaminated with B. blattae eggs, the pinworm infection could spread easily.