Project description:Fairy rings are zones of stimulated grass growth by the interaction between the fungi and the plant. In the previous research, we reported the identification of the “fairy”, ICAproduced by the fairy ring-forming fungus and the mechanism of its growth-inhibiting activity using DNA microarray. We invetigate expression profiling of rice seedlings treated with ICA for the mechanism of its growth-inhibiting activity.
Project description:Fairy rings are zones of stimulated grass growth by the interaction between the fungi and the plant. In the previous research, we reported the identification of the “fairy”, 2-azahypoxanthine (AHX), produced by the fairy ring-forming fungus and the mechanism of its growth-promoting activity using DNA microarray. We discovered AOH, a common metabolite of AHX in plants. We investigate expression profiling of rice seedlings treated with AHX or AOH for the mechanism of their growth-promoting activity.
Project description:Purpose: this study is to analyze the change of overal transcriptome after three stress conditions in ring-stage Plasmodium falciparum before and after knockdown of PfGCN5 by TetR-DOZI system. Methods: In this study, the transcriptomes of a parasite line (TetR-PfGCN5::GFP) for knockdown (KD) of PfGCN5 by withdral of anhydrotetracycline (aTc) comparing to its control (TetR-PfGCN5::GFP with aTc) under three stress conditions [HS: heat shock, low-glucose starvation: L-Glu, and low dose of dihydroartemisinin (DHA) treatment] were analyzed at ring stage by RNAseq. Total RNA were harvested from the eary ring stages after 6 h of stress conditions using the Quick-RNA MiniPrep kit (Zymo Research). RNA sequencing libraries were prepared using the KAPA stranded RNA-seq library preparation kit (Roche) with 500 ng RNA from each sample. Illumina adapter sequence removal and quality trimming of reads were performed using Trimmomatic. Only reads that had a minimum length of 50 base pairs were retained. Reads were then mapped to the P. falciparum 3D7 strain reference genome with HISAT2. Results: Using an optimized data analysis workflow, we mapped about 5 million sequence reads per sample to the malaria parasite genome (pf3D7_V3.0.) and identified over 5 thousands transcripts with high mapping rate at the range between 80% and 95. PfGCN5 KD profoundly changed the global transcription pattern upon stress conditions, indicating PfGCN5 is involved in stress responses. Conclusions: Collectively, transcriptomic analysis of PfGCN5-dependent stress responses shows PfPfGCN5 plays important role in gene regulation of stress responses.
Project description:Rings or arcs of fungus-stimulated plant growth occur often on the floor of woodlands which are commonly called “fairy rings”. We purified a plant growth-stimulating compound, 2-azahypoxanthine (AHX), from the fairy ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida, and the detection of AHX in the fungus-infected soil near the growth-stimulated turfgrass roots. The growth-promoting activity of AHX towards rice was further analyzed by oligo DNA microarrays.