Project description:Seeds are comprised of three majors parts of distinct parental origin: the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm. The maternally-derived seed coat is important for nurturing and protecting the seeds during development. By contrast, the embryo and the endosperm are derived from a double fertilization event, where one sperm fertilizes the egg to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. Each seed parts undergo distinct developmental programs during seed development. What methylation changes occurring in the different seed parts, if any, remains unknown. To uncover the possible role of DNA methylation in different parts of the seed, we characterized the methylome of three major parts of an early maturation stage seed: seed coat, embryonic cotyledons, and embryonic axis using Illumina sequencing. Illumina sequencing of bisulfite-converted genomic DNA from three parts of an mid-maturation (B1) stage seed: seed coat (B1-SC), embryonic cotyledons (B1-COT), and embryonic axis (B1-AX).
Project description:Seeds are comprised of three major parts of distinct parental origin: the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm. The maternally-derived seed coat is important for nurturing and protecting the seeds during development. By contrast, the embryo and the endosperm are derived from a double fertilization event, where one sperm fertilizes the egg to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. Each seed part undergoes distinct developmental programs during seed development. What methylation changes occur in the different seed parts, if any, remains unknown. To uncover the possible role of DNA methylation in different parts of the seed, we characterized the methylome of two major parts of Arabidopsis mature green stage seeds, the seed coat and embryo, using Illumina sequencing. Illumina sequencing of bisulfite-converted genomic DNA from two parts of Arabidopsis mature green seeds: seed coat (SC) and embryo (EMB).
Project description:Seeds are comprised of three major parts of distinct parental origin: the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm. The maternally-derived seed coat is important for nurturing and protecting the seeds during development. By contrast, the embryo and the endosperm are derived from a double fertilization event, where one sperm fertilizes the egg to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. Each seed part undergoes distinct developmental programs during seed development. What methylation changes occur in the different seed parts, if any, remains unknown. To uncover the possible role of DNA methylation in different parts of the seed, we characterized the methylome of three major parts of cotyledon stage seeds, the seed coat, embryonic cotyledons, and embryonic axis, using Illumina sequencing. Illumina sequencing of bisulfite-converted genomic DNA from three parts of soybean cotyledon stage seeds: seed coat (COT-SC), embryonic cotyledons (COT-COT), and embryonic axis (COT-AX).
Project description:We report the genome-wide small RNA of soybean early maturation seed coat parenchyma compartment soybean early maturation seeds using Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology. Illumina sequencing of small RNA from early maturation seed coat parenchyma compartment and early-maturation stage whole seeds
Project description:Seeds are comprised of three majors parts of distinct parental origin: the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm. The maternally-derived seed coat is important for nurturing and protecting the seeds during development. By contrast, the embryo and the endosperm are derived from a double fertilization event, where one sperm fertilizes the egg to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. Each seed parts undergo distinct developmental programs during seed development. What methylation changes occurring in the different seed parts, if any, remains unknown. To uncover the possible role of DNA methylation in different parts of the seed, we characterized the methylome of three major parts of an early maturation stage seed: seed coat, embryonic cotyledons, and embryonic axis using Illumina sequencing.
Project description:Seeds are comprised of three majors parts of distinct parental origin: the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm. The maternally-derived seed coat is important for nurturing and protecting the seeds during development. By contrast, the embryo and the endosperm are derived from a double fertilization event, where one sperm fertilizes the egg to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. Each seed parts undergo distinct developmental programs during seed development. What methylation changes occurring in the different seed parts, if any, remains unknown. To uncover the possible role of DNA methylation in different parts of the seed, we characterized the methylome of three major parts of an early maturation stage seed: seed coat, embryonic cotyledons, and embryonic axis using Illumina sequencing.
Project description:We report the genome-wide small RNA of soybean early maturation seed coat parenchyma compartment soybean early maturation seeds using Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology.
Project description:Tissues were isolated from the globular seed using laser microdissection. At least two bioreplicates are included for each tissue. Tissues examined are : the embryo proper (EP), micropylar endosperm (MCE), peripheral endosperm (PEN), chalazal endosperm (CZE), chalazal proliferating tissue (CPT), chalazal seed coat (CZSC), inner seed coat (ISC), and outer seed coat (OSC).
Project description:We used laser capture microdissection (LCM) to capture soybean seed compartments and profiled the transcriptomes of several compartments using next-generation sequencing. We profiled the transcriptomes of the embryo-proper and the suspensor region from globular stage embryos and the seed coat parenchyma layer of early maturation stage seeds using the Illumina GAIIx system. Illumina sequencing of transcripts from laser-captured embryo proper and suspensor of globular stage embryo and seed coat parenchyma layer of the early maturation stage seed.
Project description:Seeds are comprised of three major parts of distinct parental origin: the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm. The maternally-derived seed coat is important for nurturing and protecting the seeds during development. By contrast, the embryo and the endosperm are derived from a double fertilization event, where one sperm fertilizes the egg to form the diploid zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell to form the triploid endosperm. Each seed part undergoes distinct developmental programs during seed development. What methylation changes occur in the different seed parts, if any, remains unknown. To uncover the possible role of DNA methylation in different parts of the seed, we characterized the methylome of three major parts of cotyledon stage seeds, the seed coat, embryonic cotyledons, and embryonic axis, using Illumina sequencing.