Project description:The “ship of the desert”, the one-humped Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius), has a remarkable capacity to survive in conditions of extreme heat without needing to drink water. One of the ways that this is achieved is through the actions of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin (AVP) and the natriuretic hormone oxytocin (OXT), both of which are made in a specialised part of the brain called the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system (HNS), but exert their effects at the level of the kidney to, respectively, provoke water conservation and salt excretion. Interestingly, our electron microscopy studies have shown that the ultrastructure of the camel HNS changes according to season, suggesting that in the arid conditions of summer the dromedary’s HNS is in a state of permanent activation, in preparation for the likely prospect of water deprivation. Based on our camel genome sequence, we have carried out an RNAseq analysis of the camel HNS in summer and winter.