Project description:The long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum was once an abundant reef grazing herbivore throughout the Caribbean. During the early 1980s, D. antillarum populations were reduced by > 93% due to an undescribed disease. This event resulted in a lack of functional reef herbivory and contributed to ongoing ecological shifts from hard coral towards macroalgae dominated reefs. Limited natural recovery has increased interest in a range of strategies for augmenting herbivory. An area of focus has been developing scalable ex situ methods for rearing D. antillarum from gametes. The ultimate use of such a tool would be exploring hatchery origin restocking strategies. Intensive ex situ aquaculture is a potentially viable, yet difficult, method for producing D. antillarum at scales necessary to facilitate restocking. Here we describe a purpose-built, novel recirculating aquaculture system and the broodstock management and larval culture process that has produced multiple D. antillarum cohorts, and which has the potential for practical application in a dedicated hatchery setting. Adult animals held in captivity can be induced to spawn year-round, with some evidence for annual and lunar periodicity. Fecundity and fertilization rates are both consistently very high, yet challenges persist in both late stage larval development and early post-settlement survival. Initial success was realized with production of 100 juvenile D. antillarum from ~ 1200 competent larvae. While the system we describe requires a significant level of investment and technical expertise, this work advances D. antillarum culture efforts in potential future hatchery settings and improves the viability of scalable ex situ production for population enhancement.
Project description:Echinoderm mass mortality events shape marine ecosystems by altering the dynamics among major benthic groups. The sea urchin Diadema antillarum, virtually extirpated in the Caribbean in the early 1980s by an unknown cause, recently experienced another mass mortality beginning in January 2022. We investigated the cause of this mass mortality event through combined molecular biological and veterinary pathologic approaches comparing grossly normal and abnormal animals collected from 23 sites, representing locations that were either affected or unaffected at the time of sampling. Here, we report that a scuticociliate most similar to Philaster apodigitiformis was consistently associated with abnormal urchins at affected sites but was absent from unaffected sites. Experimentally challenging naïve urchins with a Philaster culture isolated from an abnormal, field-collected specimen resulted in gross signs consistent with those of the mortality event. The same ciliate was recovered from treated specimens postmortem, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates for this microorganism. We term this condition D. antillarum scuticociliatosis.
Project description:The sea urchin Diadema antillarum was the most important herbivore on Caribbean reefs until 1983, when mass mortality reduced its populations by more than 97%. Knowledge of its past demography is essential to reconstruct reef ecology as it was before human impact, which has been implicated as having caused high pre-mortality Diadema abundance. To determine the history of its population size, we sequenced the ATPase 6 and 8 region of mitochondrial DNA from populations in the Caribbean and in the eastern Atlantic (which was not affected by the mass mortality), as well as from the eastern Pacific D. mexicanum. The Caribbean population harbours an order of magnitude more molecular diversity than those of the eastern Pacific or the eastern Atlantic and, despite the recent mass mortality, its DNA sequences bear the genetic signature of a previous population expansion. By estimating mutation rates from divergence between D. antillarum and D. mexicanum, that were separated at a known time by the Isthmus of Panama, and by using estimates of effective population size derived from mismatch distributions and a maximum likelihood coalescence algorithm, we date the expansion as having occurred no more recently than 100 000 years before the present. Thus, Diadema was abundant in the Caribbean long before humans could have affected ecological processes; the genetic data contain no evidence of a recent, anthropogenically caused, population increase.
Project description:The long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum controls reef dynamics by grazing on algae and increasing coral recruitment. Populations of Diadema never recovered after a mass-die off in 1983 and 1984, and numbers were further reduced by a more recent die-off in 2022. To restore grazing pressure and thereby the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs, multiple Diadema restocking efforts have been performed. Although results vary, relatively low retention is one of the reasons restocking is not considered more often. If causes for the low retention can be identified, suitable measures may be able to increase restocking success. In this study, we monitored restocked lab-reared and wild juvenile Diadema on artificial reefs around Saba, Caribbean Netherlands. To assess the retention of Diadema over time, we conducted diver surveys and used underwater photo time lapse during daylight. Retention of uncaged lab-reared and wild Diadema decreased steadily with less than 30% surviving after 10 days. In total, 138 predator-prey interactions were recorded, of which 99% involved the queen triggerfish Balistes vetula, although other potential predators were present in the area. None of the recorded predator-prey interactions was successful, which suggests that artificial reefs with incorporated shelters may be suitable for juveniles as daytime refuge. However, Diadema that were more often attacked during the day were more likely to be absent the next morning. Because queen triggerfish often visited the experimental site in the first or last hour of daylight, it could be that they were more successful in their attacks when it was too dark to see anything on the photos and when Diadema came out to feed or to look for better shelter opportunities. If Diadema migrated off the artificial reef, they were probably predated during the process, because no Diadema were found on surrounding reefs. Wild Diadema were attacked significantly more often than lab-reared Diadema, possibly because the wild urchins were larger, but this did not significantly affect retention. Future restocking should be performed on natural or artificial reefs with deeper shelters, so Diadema can retract farther into their crevice, and should include night-time monitoring to identify the remaining unknown factors that cause low retention, including migration and nocturnal predation. This knowledge is urgently needed to coral reef managers so they can increase Diadema restocking success by selecting reefs with a lower predator density, protect urchins during an acclimatization period and/or conduct temporary predator control measures.