Project description:From a forward genetic screen for C. elegans genes required for RNAi, we identified rde-10 and through proteomic analysis of RDE-10-interacting proteins, we identified a protein complex containing the new RNAi factor RDE-11, the known RNAi factors RSD-2 and ERGO-1, as well as other candidate RNAi factors. The newly identified RNAi defective genes rde-10 and rde-11 encode a novel protein and a RING-type zinc finger domain protein, respectively. Mutations in rde-10 and rde-11 genes cause dosage-sensitive RNAi deficiencies: these mutants are resistant to low dosage, but sensitive to high dosage of double-stranded RNAs. We assessed the roles of rde-10, rde-11, and the dosage-sensitive RNAi defective genes rsd-2, rsd-6 and haf-6 in both exogenous and endogenous small RNA pathways using high-throughput sequencing and qRT-PCR. These genes are required for the accumulation of secondary siRNAs in both exogenous and endogenous RNAi pathways. Small RNA analysis by deep sequencing in various wild type and mutant C. elegans strains.
Project description:To identify methylated small RNAs in C. elegans, we deep sequenced both β-eliminated and untreated small RNAs isolated from wild type C. elegans.
Project description:Dysfunction of the motor subunit of the TIM23 translocase, the PAM complex located on the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was shown to cause a decrease in mitochondrial protein import and precursor accumulation in the cytosol. We used an analogous model to study the non-mitochondrial response to defective mitochondrial import machinery in Caenorhabditis elegans in which we depleted DNJ-21 as the functional homolog of yeast Pam18. To gain a broader insight in potential changes in Caenorhabditis elegans proteome upon DNJ-21 depletion we performed a quantitative, label-free proteomics analysis. We compared protein levels upon knockdown of dnj-21 (dnj-21 RNAi) with control conditions (Empty vector RNAi). Synchronized N2 wild type worms were grown on NGM plates seeded with E. coli HT115(DE3) transformed with a construct targeting dnj-21 gene or with empty vector L4440 as a control.