Project description:The increasing resistence and/or bacterial tolerance to bactericides, such as chlorhexidine, causes worrisome public health problems. Using transcriptomical and microbiological studies, we analysed the molecular mechanisms associated with the adaptation to chlorhexidine in two carbapenemase-producing strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae belonging ST258-KPC3 and ST846-OXA48.
Project description:<p>Traveler's diarrhea (TD) is caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), other pathogenic gram-negative pathogens, norovirus and some parasites. Nevertheless, standard diagnostic methods fail to identify pathogens in more than 30% of TD patients, so it is predicted that new pathogens or groups of pathogens may be causative agents of disease. A comprehensive metagenomic study of the fecal microbiomes from 23 TD patients and seven healthy travelers was performed, all of which tested negative for the known etiologic agents of TD in standard tests. Metagenomic reads were assembled and the resulting contigs were subjected to semi-manual binning to assemble independent genomes from metagenomic pools. Taxonomic and functional annotations were conducted to assist identification of putative pathogens. We extracted 560 draft genomes, 320 of which were complete enough to be enough characterized as cellular genomes and 160 of which were bacteriophage genomes. We made predictions of the etiology of disease in individual subjects based on the properties and features of the recovered cellular genomes. Three subtypes of samples were observed. First were four patients with low diversity metagenomes that were predominated by one or more pathogenic E. coli strains. Annotation allowed prediction of pathogenic type in most cases. Second, five patients were co-infected with E. coli and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae, including antibiotic resistant Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Citrobacter. Finally, several samples contained genomes that represented dark matter. In one of these samples we identified a TM7 genome that phylogenetically clustered with a strain isolated from wastewater and carries genes encoding potential virulence factors. We also observed a very high proportion of bacteriophage reads in some samples. The relative abundance of phage was significantly higher in healthy travelers when compared to TD patients. Our results highlight that assembly-based analysis revealed that diarrhea is often polymicrobial and includes members of the Enterobacteriaceae not normally associated with TD and have implicated a new member of the TM7 phylum as a potential player in diarrheal disease. </p>
Project description:The study aimed to characterize plasmids mediating carbepenem resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae in Pretoria, South Africa. We analysed 56 K. pneumoniae isolates collected from academic hospital around Pretoria. Based on phenotypic and molecular results of these isolates, 6 representative isolates were chosen for further analysis using long reads sequencing platform. We observed multidrug resistant phenotype in all these isolates, including resistance to aminoglycosides, tetracycline, phenicol, fosfomycin, floroquinolones, and beta-lactams antibiotics. The blaOXA-48/181 and blaNDM-1/7 were manily the plasmid-mediated carbapenemases responsible for carbapenem resistance in the K. pneumoniae isolates in these academic hospitals. These carbapenemase genes were mainly associated with plasmid replicon groups IncF, IncL/M, IncA/C, and IncX3. This study showed plasmid-mediated carbapenemase spread of blaOXA and blaNDM genes mediated by conjugative plasmids in Pretoria hospitals.
2019-10-17 | GSE138949 | GEO
Project description:carbapenemase encoding plasmids from multiple species Genome sequencing and assembly
Project description:Sequence overlap between two genes is common across all genomes, with viruses having particularly high proportions of these gene overlaps. The natural biological function and effects on fitness of gene overlaps are not fully understood and their effects on gene cluster and genome-level refactoring are unknown.The model bacteriophage φX174 genome displays complex sequence architecture in which ~26% of nucleotides are involved in encoding more than one gene. In this study we use an engineered φX174 phage containing a genome with all gene overlaps removed.
Here we have temporally measured the proteome of a synthetically engineered and wild-type φX174 during infection. We find that almost half of all phage proteins (5/11) have abnormal expression profiles after genome modularisation.
Project description:Liao2011 - Genome-scale metabolic
reconstruction of Klebsiella pneumoniae (iYL1228)
This model is described in the article:
An experimentally validated
genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of Klebsiella pneumoniae
MGH 78578, iYL1228.
Liao YC, Huang TW, Chen FC,
Charusanti P, Hong JS, Chang HY, Tsai SF, Palsson BO, Hsiung
J. Bacteriol. 2011 Apr; 193(7):
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative bacterium of the
family Enterobacteriaceae that possesses diverse metabolic
capabilities: many strains are leading causes of
hospital-acquired infections that are often refractory to
multiple antibiotics, yet other strains are metabolically
engineered and used for production of commercially valuable
chemicals. To study its metabolism, we constructed a
genome-scale metabolic model (iYL1228) for strain MGH 78578,
experimentally determined its biomass composition,
experimentally determined its ability to grow on a broad range
of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur sources, and
assessed the ability of the model to accurately simulate growth
versus no growth on these substrates. The model contains 1,228
genes encoding 1,188 enzymes that catalyze 1,970 reactions and
accurately simulates growth on 84% of the substrates tested.
Furthermore, quantitative comparison of growth rates between
the model and experimental data for nine of the substrates also
showed good agreement. The genome-scale metabolic
reconstruction for K. pneumoniae presented here thus provides
an experimentally validated in silico platform for further
studies of this important industrial and biomedical
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