Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE34110: Gene expression study after 3 days of cold exposure in a Solanum tuberosum cultivar called Desirée GSE34116: Gene expression study after 3 days of salt exposure in a Solanum tuberosum cultivar called Desirée Refer to individual Series
Project description:The intent was to study, from transcriptome analysis, shade and drought responses in Solanum tuberosum (potato). We performed Illumina 50 bp single-end RNA-seq in tissues of control and treated var. Spunta wild-type plants. Drought experiments also included two independent AtBBX21-overexpressing (BBX21-OE) potato lines.
Project description:The molecular response to cold exposure was studied in the leaves of an S. tuberosum clone using cDNA microarray. Differentially expressed genes were classified according to their known or predicted function and their expression ratio as compared to the control. The major changes upon cold exposure in Desirée leaves were observed in the photosynthesis-related genes, which were down-regulated, whereas cell rescue, detoxication and transcription factor-related genes were mostly up-regulated. We also observed an increased expression of polyamine and proline synthesis-related genes, as well as some carbohydrate-related genes such as sucrose synthase and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase.