Project description:Samples are from a screening experiment on 5 laboratory cultures of the coral endosymbiont: Symbiodiniaceae (Symbiodinium linuchae, Breviolum psygmophilum, Durusdinium trenchii, Effrenium voratum and Fugacium kawagutii). Samples are also from a thermal stress experiment (increased temperatures from 26 to 32 degrees C) carried out on Durusdinium trenchii and Cladocopium goreaui, two common coral endosymbionts on the Great Barrier Reef. All samples were collected on Markes Tenax TA thermal desorption tubes.
Lawson, C.A., Possell, M., Seymour, J.R., Raina, J.B. and Suggett, D.J., 2019. Coral endosymbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) emit species-specific volatilomes that shift when exposed to thermal stress. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11.
Project description:Heat-evolved Symbiodiniaceae can improve the physiological performances of their coral host under heat stress, but their gene expression responses to heat remained unknown. We explore here the transcriptomic basis of differential thermal stress responses between in hospite wild-type and heat-evolved Cladocopium proliferum strains and their coral host Platygyra daedealea.
Project description:This amplicon data (ITS2) describes sequences from four sources: Cladocopium goreaui, the lab-evolved Selected Strain derived from C. goreaui, Durusdinium trenchii, and the free-living mixture of Symbiodiniaceae Raw sequence reads