Project description:Microbiome DNA from the adhering fraction of a sheep rumen. The RSTs were generated using an improved version of SARST (referred to as iSARST) from the microbiome DNA extracted from the adhering fraction of the rumen content taken from a sheep. The iSARST method is going to be submitted to Nature Biotechnology for publication. Keywords: other
Project description:Microbiome DNA from the adhering fraction of a sheep rumen. The RSTs were generated using an improved version of SARST (referred to as iSARST) from the microbiome DNA extracted from the adhering fraction of the rumen content taken from a sheep. The iSARST method is going to be submitted to Nature Biotechnology for publication. Keywords: other
Project description:Campylobacter jejuni has become the predominant cause of sheep abortions in the U.S. However, little is know about the genetic diversity among the isolates collected from different time periods. In this study, the genetic diversity of sheep aborion isolates of C. jejuni was investigated by Array-based CGH
Project description:Campylobacter jejuni has become the predominant cause of sheep abortions in the U.S. However, little is know about the genetic diversity among the isolates collected from different time periods. In this study, the genetic diversity of sheep abortion isolates of C. jejuni was investigated by Array-based CGH
Project description:This study identifies key microbiome and epithelial cell subtypes involved in grass digestion and VFA metabolism in the rumen. By integrating multi-omic data, we reveal novel links between microbial activity, epithelial cell function, and grassland foraging, providing critical insights into mechanisms underlying grass prevalence and their implications for optimizing ruminant health and productivity. This research enhances our understanding of the grass-microbiome- rumen axis and its role in sustainable grazing systems.