Project description:Histone methyltransferase SETD1A is critical for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell survival, but the molecular mechanism driving SETD1A gene regulation remains elusive. To delineate the role of SETD1A, we utilize a protein degrader technology to induce rapid SETD1A degradation in AML cell lines. SETD1A degradation results in immediate downregulation of transcripts associated with DNA repair and heme biosynthesis pathways. CRISPR-based functional analyses and metabolomics reveal an essential role of SETD1A to maintain mitochondrial respiration in AML cells. These SETD1A targets are enriched in head-to-head (H2H) genes. SETD1A degradation disrupts a non-enzymatic SETD1A domain-dependent cyclin K function, increases the Ser5P RNA polymerase II (RNAP2) at TSS, and induces the promoter-proximal pausing of RNAP2 in a strand-specific manner. This study reveals a non-enzymatic role for SETD1A in transcriptional pause release and provides insight into the mechanism of RNAP2 pausing and its function in cancer.
Project description:FLT3 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is frequently mutated in AML. Inhibition of FLT3 induces myeloid differentiation in AML patients. We identified a role of FLT3 inhibition in decreasing EZH2 expression. To assess the impact of this regulation on PRC2 function, we performed H3K27me3 ChIP-Seq in a FLT3 mutated human AML cell line.
Project description:Histone methyltransferase SETD1A is critical for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell survival, but the molecular mechanism driving SETD1A gene regulation remains elusive. To delineate the role of SETD1A, we utilize a protein degrader technology to induce rapid SETD1A degradation in AML cell lines. SETD1A degradation results in immediate downregulation of transcripts associated with DNA repair and heme biosynthesis pathways. CRISPR-based functional analyses and metabolomics revealed an essential role of SETD1A to maintain mitochondrial respiration in AML cells. These SETD1A targets are enriched in head-to-head (H2H) genes. SETD1A degradation disturbs a non-enzymatic SETD1A domain-dependent cyclin K function, increases the mono-Ser5P RNA polymerase II (RNAP2) at TSS, and induces the promoter-proximal pausing of RNAP2 in a strand-specific manner. This study reveals a non-enzymatic role for SETD1A in transcriptional pause release and provides insight into the mechanism of RNAP2 pausing and its function in cancer.
Project description:Acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) with the NUP98-NSD1 or MLL gene rearrangement (MLL-r) share transcriptomic profiles featured with stemness-related gene signatures and display poor prognosis in the clinic. However, the molecular underpinnings of AML aggressiveness and stemness remain far from clear. Here, we report that the enzymatic activity of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) is crucial for maintenance of tumorigenicity in NUP98-NSD1+ AML, consistent to its role in MLL-r AML. Transcriptomic analysis revealed Kdm5b, a lysine demethylase gene carrying the “bivalent domain” chromatin feature in AML, to be directly repressed by PRC2. While ectopic expression of Kdm5b suppressed AML growth, its depletion in AML not only promoted tumorigenicity but also significantly attenuated anti-AML effects by PRC2 inhibitors, thus demonstrating an involvement of the PRC2-|Kdm5b axis for AML oncogenesis. Lower KDM5B expression is positively correlated with poorer prognosis of human AML patients. RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN based genomic profilings also showed that Kdm5b directly binds to and represses AML stemness genes. In contrast to an essential involvement for its various chromatin-associating domains, Kdm5b’s demethylase function was found to be dispensable for AML suppression, indicating a scaffold role in assembling gene-repressive complexes. Collectively, this study describes a molecular axis involving histone modifiers (PRC2 and Kdm5b) for sustaining the malignant features of AML, implicative of potential therapeutics.
Project description:Acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) with the NUP98-NSD1 or MLL gene rearrangement (MLL-r) share transcriptomic profiles featured with stemness-related gene signatures and display poor prognosis in the clinic. However, the molecular underpinnings of AML aggressiveness and stemness remain far from clear. Here, we report that the enzymatic activity of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) is crucial for maintenance of tumorigenicity in NUP98-NSD1+ AML, consistent to its role in MLL-r AML. Transcriptomic analysis revealed Kdm5b, a lysine demethylase gene carrying the “bivalent domain” chromatin feature in AML, to be directly repressed by PRC2. While ectopic expression of Kdm5b suppressed AML growth, its depletion in AML not only promoted tumorigenicity but also significantly attenuated anti-AML effects by PRC2 inhibitors, thus demonstrating an involvement of the PRC2-|Kdm5b axis for AML oncogenesis. Lower KDM5B expression is positively correlated with poorer prognosis of human AML patients. RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN based genomic profilings also showed that Kdm5b directly binds to and represses AML stemness genes. In contrast to an essential involvement for its various chromatin-associating domains, Kdm5b’s demethylase function was found to be dispensable for AML suppression, indicating a scaffold role in assembling gene-repressive complexes. Collectively, this study describes a molecular axis involving histone modifiers (PRC2 and Kdm5b) for sustaining the malignant features of AML, implicative of potential therapeutics.
Project description:Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematological malignancy characterized by abnormal proliferation and accumulation of immature myeloid cells in the bone marrow. Inflammation plays a crucial role in AML progression, but excessive activation of cell-intrinsic inflammatory pathways can also trigger cell death. IRF2BP2 is a chromatin regulator implicated in AML pathogenesis, although its precise role in this disease is not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrate that IRF2BP2 interacts with the AP-1 heterodimer ATF7/JDP2, which is involved in activating inflammatory pathways in AML cells. We show that IRF2BP2 is recruited by the ATF7/JDP2 dimer to chromatin and counteracts its gene-activating function. Loss of IRF2BP2 leads to overactivation of inflammatory pathways, resulting in strongly reduced proliferation. Our research indicates that a precise equilibrium between activating and repressive transcriptional mechanisms creates a pro-oncogenic inflammatory environment in AML cells. The ATF7/JDP2-IRF2BP2 regulatory axis is likely a key regulator of this process and may, therefore, represent a promising therapeutic vulnerability for AML. Thus, our study provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying AML pathogenesis and identifies a potential therapeutic target for AML treatment.
Project description:The paper describes a model of acute myeloid leukaemia.
Created by COPASI 4.26 (Build 213)
This model is described in the article:
Optimal control of acute myeloid leukaemia
Jesse A. Sharp, Alexander P Browning, Tarunendu Mapder, Kevin Burrage, Matthew J Simpson
Journal of Theoretical Biology 470 (2019) 30–42
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a blood cancer affecting haematopoietic stem cells. AML is routinely treated with chemotherapy, and so it is of great interest to develop optimal chemotherapy treatment strategies. In this work, we incorporate an immune response into a stem cell model of AML, since we find that previous models lacking an immune response are inappropriate for deriving optimal control strategies. Using optimal control theory, we produce continuous controls and bang-bang controls, corre- sponding to a range of objectives and parameter choices. Through example calculations, we provide a practical approach to applying optimal control using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle. In particular, we describe and explore factors that have a profound influence on numerical convergence. We find that the convergence behaviour is sensitive to the method of control updating, the nature of the control, and to the relative weighting of terms in the objective function. All codes we use to implement optimal control are made available.
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Project description:In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), leukemia stem cells (LSC) play a central role in disease progression and recurrence due to their intrinsic capacity for self-renewal and chemotherapy resistance. Whereas epigenetic regulation balances normal blood stem cell self-renewal and fate decisions, mutation and dysregulation of epigenetic modifiers are now considered fundamental to leukemia initiation and progression. Alterations in miRNA function represent a non-canonical epigenetic mechanism influencing malignant hematopoiesis, however the function of miRNA in LSC remains undetermined. Here we show that miRNA profiling of fractionated AML populations defines an LSC-specific signature that is highly predictive of patient survival. Gain of function genetic analysis demonstrated that miR-126 restrained cell cycle progression, prevented LSC differentiation, and increased LSC self-renewal. miR-126 promoted chemo-resistance, preserving LSC quiescence in part through suppression of the G0 to G1 gatekeeper, CDK3. Thus, in AML, miRNAs influence patient outcome through post-transcriptional regulation of stemness programs in LSC. 74 primary patient normal karyotype AML samples were analyzed for miRNA expression.
Project description:BCOR is a component of a variant Polycomb group repressive complex 1 (PRC1) complex. Recently, we and others reported recurrent somatic BCOR loss-of-function mutations in myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML). However the role of BCOR in normal hematopoiesis is largely unknown. Here, we explored the function of BCOR in myeloid cells using myeloid murine cell models with Bcor conditional loss-of-function or overexpression alleles. Bcor mutant bone marrow cells showed significantly higher proliferation and differentiation rates with reduced protein levels of RING1B, a ubiquitin ligase subunit of PRC1 family complexes. Global RNA expression profiling in murine cells and AML patient samples with BCOR loss-of-function mutation suggested that loss of BCOR expression is associated with proliferation and myeloid differentiation and decreased stem cell quiescence. Further, we used a MLL-AF9 murine model of AML and found that loss of Bcor increased serial replating efficiency, enhanced MLL-AF9 in blocking cell differentiation, and increased expression of Evi1 which is associated with leukemic transformation. Our results strongly suggest that BCOR plays an indispensable role in maintaining hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) quiescence by inhibiting myeloid stem cell proliferation and differentiation and offer a mechanistic explanation for how BCOR regulates gene expression such as Hox genes. Normal karyotype AML primary cells with either wild type BCOR (6 cases) or destructive mutated BCOR (6 cases) were collected and subjected to RNA expression microarray study
Project description:Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematological malignancy characterized by the abnormal proliferation and accumulation of immature myeloid cells in the bone marrow. Inflammation plays a crucial role in AML progression, but excessive activation of inflammatory pathways can also trigger cell death. IRF2BP2 is a chromatin regulator that has been implicated in AML pathogenesis, although its precise role in this disease is not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrate that in AML cells IRF2BP2 interacts with the transcriptional heterodimer ATF7/JDP2, which is involved to activate inflammatory pathways in AML cells. We show that IRF2BP2 is recruited by the ATF7/JDP2 dimer to chromatin and counteracts its gene activating function. Loss of IRF2BP2 leads to the overactivation of inflammatory pathways, resulting in immediate cell death. Our findings suggest that a delicate balance of activating and repressive transcriptional mechanisms establishes a pro-oncogenic inflammatory set-up in AML cells, and that manipulation of the ATF7/JDP2-IRF2BP2 regulatory axis may offer a potential vulnerability for AML treatment. Thus, our study provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying AML pathogenesis and identifies a potential therapeutic target for AML treatment.