Project description:A detailed proteomic analysis of the nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab samples collected from normal individuals and individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 involving high throughput quantitative (iTRAQ) proteomics analysis.
Project description:Most proteogenomic approaches for mapping single amino acid polymorphisms (SAPs) require construction of a sample-specific database containing protein variants predicted from the next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. We present a new strategy for direct SAP detection without relying on NGS data. Among the 348 putative SAP peptides identified in an industrial yeast strain, 85.6% of SAP sites were validated by genomic sequencing.
2018-04-18 | PXD003101 | Pride
Project description:Sequencing of SARS-Cov-2 from oropharyngeal swab and sputum
Project description:To survey avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) integration in myeloid leukosis (ML) of chicken, we developed an ALV-J insertional identification platform based on hybrid-capture target enrichment and next-generation sequencing (NGS). In addition, we used gene expression profiling and bioinformatics to associate integration sites to transcriptional activity and to genetic features of the tumor cell genome.
Project description:Purpose: the goal of this study is to analyse various chicken stem cell lines and to compare them with both primary somatic fibroblasts and blastodermal cells derived from pre-gastrulating embryos Methods: NGS RNA-sequencing was performed on chicken primary embryonic fibroblasts (CEF), embryonic stem cells (cESC), on blastodermal cells of EGK-X EGK-XII stages embryos (BCs), long term in vitro cultured primordial germ cells (PGCs) as specific chicken stem cells and reprogrammed cells (1A, 1D, 3E, 3F) derived from CEF by somatic reprogramming process. The librairies were prepared using the TruSeq R Stranded mRNA sample preparation kit (Illumina). The paired-end sequencing was performed on the NextSeq 500 sequencer (Illumina) and controlled by the Seqencing Analysis viewer software (Illumina). The quality control of the Sample-ID.fastq files was performed with the FasQC software (Babraham Institute). Results: the total number of reads ranges from was of 80 millions to 145 millions.