Project description:We performed mouse single oocyte RNA-seq and bulk oocyte CUT&Tag assays in the current project. In details, SMART-seq based single oocyte RNA-seq was performed at adult GV stage, GV3h stage and MII stage, using control and Dis3 oocyte-speicfic knockout (cKO) oocytes. RiboMinus-seq based single oocyte RNA-seq was performed at adult GV stage using control and Dis3 cKO oocytes, and at p20 GV stage using control, Dis3 cKO, Exosc10 cKO and Dis3/Exosc10 double cKO (dcKO) oocytes. Bulk CUT&Tag of anti-H3K27me3 was done in WT and Dis3 cKO oocytes at adult GV stage, and in WT and Dis3/Exosc10 dcKO oocytes at p20 stage. In addition, CUT&Tag of anti-RNA polymerase II (Ser2+Ser5) was performed in WT and Dis3 cKO oocytes at GV stage. All CUT&Tag experiments share the same rabbit-Igg negative control. All p20 stage oocytes were specified as p20. The non-specified GV oocytes were all adult GV oocytes.
Project description:We profiled transcriptomes from Cnot6l deadenylase knock-out mouse GV oocytes, MII eggs and 1-cell zygotes in order to analyse its function during the oocyte-to-embryo (OET) transition. Transcriptome of wild-type golden hamster GV oocytes was also profiled.
Project description:In this study, we applied 1D SDS-PAGE and RP-LC-MS/MS to investigate the proteins stored in GV mouse oocytes. This high-performance strategy allowed us to define a set of 1405 different mouse GV oocyte proteins. It is confirmed that this study will help us to understand the diverse biological processes occurring in mouse oocytes and during early embryo development. However, compared with proteomic analysis of other cells and tissues, such as embryonic stems from cells and liver, the proteins identified in mature mouse oocytes were limited. This was mainly due to the fact that oocytes obtained from each mouse were very limited. We believe that the catalog of maternal proteins presented in this article is a starting point and we anticipate that more researches on the oocyte proteome will deduce most of the maternal proteins.
Project description:Comparative expression analysis between germinal vesicle (GV) stage mouse oocytes of Ring1-deficient oocytes ("control") versus oocytes deficient for Ring1 and Rnf2 ("mutant").
Project description:We selected NSN and SN GV oocytes based on FBL-GFP localization, and performed transcriptome profiling of single NSN and SN GV oocytes, and MII oocytes in vitro matured from NSN and SN GV oocytes.
Project description:Expression data from prepubertal, peripubertal, and adult derived mouse oocytes, and from germinal vesicle (GV), in vivo matured, and in vitro matured mouse oocytes. Oocytes derived from prepubertal females, or oocytes matured in vitro, are less developmentally competent compared to adult derived, or in vivo matured, oocytes, indicated by decreased embryonic development. One potential mechanism for decreased developmental potetential in prepubertal or in vitro matured oocytes is inadequate or inappropriate RNA degradation during oocyte maturation (progression from GV to MII). To investigate mechanisms involved in establishing oocyte cytoplasmic maturation and developmental competence, Affymetrix GeneChip microarrays were used. Keywords: Oocyte developmental competence The study encompassed three experimental designs using female B6D2F1 mice: 1) In vitro matured oocytes were obtained from d20 (prepubertal), d26 (peripubertal), and 7-8 wk old (adult) mice; 2) in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes were obtained from d26 mice; and 3) GV, in vivo matured, and in vitro matured oocytes were obtained from 7-8 wk old mice. RNA was extracted from pools of 150 oocytes and hybridized onto the Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:Expression data from prepubertal, peripubertal, and adult derived mouse oocytes, and from germinal vesicle (GV), in vivo matured, and in vitro matured mouse oocytes. Oocytes derived from prepubertal females, or oocytes matured in vitro, are less developmentally competent compared to adult derived, or in vivo matured, oocytes, indicated by decreased embryonic development. One potential mechanism for decreased developmental potetential in prepubertal or in vitro matured oocytes is inadequate or inappropriate RNA degradation during oocyte maturation (progression from GV to MII). To investigate mechanisms involved in establishing oocyte cytoplasmic maturation and developmental competence, Affymetrix GeneChip microarrays were used. Keywords: Oocyte developmental competence
Project description:We analyzed the functions of BTG family proteins in maternal mRNA degradation in mouse oocytes. By comparing the degradation of transcripts in WT oocytes and KO oocytes, we are able to know the defects in maternal mRNA clearance in BTG4-deleted oocytes, and identified the BTG4 target genes in oocyte cyplasmic maturation. 2 WT oocyte samples at GV stage, 2 WT oocyte samples at MII stage, 2 Btg4-/- oocyte samples at GV stage and 2 Btg4-/- oocyte samples at MII stage?2 WT embryo samples at zygote stage, 2 WT embryo samples at 2-cell stage, 2 Btg4-/- embryo samples at zygote stage and 2 Btg4-/- embryo samples at 2-cell stage , and a WT GV oocyte, a WT MII oocyte, a Erk-/- GV oocyte and a Erk-/- MII oocyte are performed RNA sequencing.