Project description:Sequencing was performed to assess the ability of Nanopore direct cDNA and native RNA sequencing to characterise human transcriptomes. Total RNA was extracted from either HAP1 or HEK293 cells, and the polyA+ fraction isolated using oligodT dynabeads. Libraries were prepared using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) kits according to manufacturers instructions. Samples were then sequenced on ONT R9.4 flow cells to generate fast5 raw reads in the ONT MinKNOW software. Fast5 reads were then base-called using the ONT Albacore software to generate Fastq reads.
Project description:OnT dRNA of K562 For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:ONT dRNA of HepG2 For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:We combined high-resolution tiling microarrays and 5'-end RNA sequencing to obtain a genome-wide map of transcription start sites (TSSs) for Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. To test the reliability of these TSSs, we compared our result to those from differential RNA sequencing (dRNA-seq), which discriminates primary and processed ends of transcripts. We found that our identified TSSs tend to have significantly more mapped reads in the TEX(+) sample than the TEX(-) sample. Overall, the dRNA-seq results support the validity of our predictions for TSS. S. oneidensis MR-1 was grown to mid-log phase in Luria-Bertani broth (LB) or defined lactate minimal medium, and total RNA was isolated and used for differential RNA-sequencing (dRNA-seq) by next-generation sequencing, which is used to verify genome-wide transcription start sites. For dRNA-seq, total RNA was partially treated with Terminator Exonuclease (TEX) to digest processed RNA and thereby enrich for primary transcript ends.
Project description:Recently a dRNA-Seq study with Haloferax volcanii has been published that led to the discovery of nearly 2800 novel transcription start sites for non-coding RNAs. However, the dRNA-Seq results are confined to the 5'-end of transcripts and does not contain any length information. Therefore, a major aim of the present RNA-Seq study was the elucidation of the lengths of the novel non-coding RNAs. A second aim was to analyze the operon structure of protein-coding genes. The recent dRNA-Seq study was confined to cultures grown under optimal conditions. It was revealed that less than half of the protein-coding genes were expressed. Therefore, the present RNA-Seq study used cultures grown under four different conditions to identify further transcripts of protein-coding genes that are not needed under optimal conditions. RNA samples from the four conditions were mixed prior to the RNA-Seq analyses (mixed RNA-Seq). The results allowed to characterize the sum of transcriptomes of H. volcanii under four conditions. Northern blot analyses were used to characterize selected examples in detail. Many important results were obtained, including the length determination of all transcripts, a genome-wide operon analysis, verification of a high fraction of antisense RNAs, and the discovery that 30% of all protein-coding transcripts have overlapping 3'-UTRs.