Project description:We found two DNA binding proteins, CRP and PepA, associate at the membrane. This study was performed to determine if their interaction affects transcription activity..
Project description:We found two DNA binding proteins, CRP and PepA, associate at the membrane. This study was performed to determine if their interaction affects DNA binding.
Project description:Within this study, we aimed to investigate how enviornmental nitrate effects the transcription of the Vibrio cholerae genome. Here we performed RNASeq using static cultures of WT, dCrp, dHapR, & dhapR/Crp.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of an El Tor biotype crp mutant The virulent V. cholerae El Tor Ogawa strain C7258 (Peru isolate 1991) and an isogenic deletion mutant (WL7258) lacking DNA sequences encoding the cAMP receptor protein were grown in LB medium to optical density at 600 nm of 1.5. The cultures were chilled in ice, cells quickly collected by centrifugation and total RNA imediately extracted. RNAwas extracted and purified using the Trizol plus RNA purification system (Invitrogen) followed RNEasy miniElute cleanup (Qiagen). RNA samples were conserved at - 80 C and used within a week. Keywords: Genetic modification
Project description:The experiment contains ChIP-seq data for Vibrio cholerae strain N16961. The strain was grown at 37 degrees in M9 minimal medium and crosslinked with 1 % (v/v) formaldehyde. After sonication, to break open cells and fragment DNA, immunoprecipitations were done using no antibodies (mock immunoprecipitations) or antibodies against CRP or the RNA polymerase sigma 70 subunit. Libraries were prepared using DNA remaining after immunoprecipitation.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of an El Tor biotype crp mutant The virulent V. cholerae El Tor Ogawa strain C7258 (Peru isolate 1991) and an isogenic deletion mutant (WL7258) lacking DNA sequences encoding the cAMP receptor protein were grown in LB medium to optical density at 600 nm of 1.5. The cultures were chilled in ice, cells quickly collected by centrifugation and total RNA imediately extracted. RNAwas extracted and purified using the Trizol plus RNA purification system (Invitrogen) followed RNEasy miniElute cleanup (Qiagen). RNA samples were conserved at - 80 C and used within a week. 4 replicates
Project description:To determine transcriptome differences in Vibrio cholerae when grown as planktonic and biofilm cultures, whole-genome level transcriptional profiling was performed using RNAseq analysis. Transcriptomes of biofim and planktonic cultures were compared in this study.
Project description:We study gene expression levels of V. cholerae N16961 WT and crp mutant strains/V. cholerae N16961 hapR+ corrected strain, ravAviA mutant and ravAviA overexpressing strains in exponential phase in MH, MH+maltose 0.4% and MH+glucose 0.4%