Project description:Maize LOB30 (Zm00001d036435) is a transcription factor and is specifically expressed in anthers. Our previous RNA-seq data showed that expression of some genes were upregualted in maize lob30 mutant maize anthers. To confirm these genes are the downstrem target genes, we generated proLOB30: GFP-LOB30 transgenic maize lines, collected stage 9 to stage10 anther materials and performed ChIP-seq using the GFP antibody.
Project description:Small peptides (sPeptides), a class of biological molecules of less than 100 amio acids encoded by small open reading frames (sORFs), play important roles in multiple biological process. Here, we conducted a comprehensive study using mRNA-seq, Ribo-seq, and Mass Spectrometry (MS) on six tissues (each with at least two replicates) of maize, set up a bioinformatic pipeline, and performed a genome-wide scan of sORFs and sPeptides in maize. Our study sets up a guildline for the genome-wide scan of sORFs and sPeptides in plants by integrating Ribo-seq, and MS data, provides a more comprehensive resource of functional sPeptides in maize, and sheds light on the complex biological system of plants in a new perspective.
Project description:The first GSSM of V. vinifera was reconstructed (MODEL2408120001). Tissue-specific models for stem, leaf, and berry of the Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar were generated from the original model, through the integration of RNA-Seq data. These models have been merged into diel multi-tissue models to study the interactions between tissues at light and dark phases.
2024-09-02 | MODEL2408160001 | BioModels
Project description:RNA-seq data of three maize inbred lines
| PRJNA843174 | ENA
Project description:RNA-Seq and DAP-Seq data of maize gene CCT