Project description:Desert microbial communities live in a pulsed ecosystem shaped by isolated and rare precipitation events. The Namib desert is one of the oldest continuously hyperarid ecosystems on Earth. In this study, surface microbial communities of open soils (without sheltering features like rocks, vegetation or biological soil crusts) are analysed. We designed an artificial rainfall experiment where a 7x7 (3.5 x 3.5 m) plot remained dry while an adjacent one received a 30 mm simulated rain. Samples were taken randomly in parallel from both plots at 10 min, 1 h, 3 h, 7 h, 24 h and 7 days after the watering moment. Duplicate libraries were generated from total (rRNA depleted) RNA and sequenced 2x150 bp in an Illumina Hiseq 4000 instrument.
Project description:Total bacterial DNA was isolated from water and sediment samples from a local watershed and 16S rRNA sequences were analyzed using the Illumina MiSeq v3 platform in order to generate snapshots of bacterial community profiles.
Project description:<p>Archived self-collected vaginal swabs were utilized from a pilot study of vaginal douching cessation (NIH/NIAID R03-AI061131). Thirty-nine non-pregnant, reproductive-age women who reported the use of vaginal douche products in the two months prior to screening were enrolled. Thirty-three of these successfully completed the 16-week longitudinal study. Participants self-collected vaginal swabs and smears twice weekly. We report sequences based on the analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from whole genomic DNA isolated from the swabs. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is defined by Gram's stain of vaginal fluid (Nugent's score ≥7).</p> <p>The large body of information generated will facilitate understanding of vaginal microbial community dynamics, the etiology of BV, and drive the development of better diagnostic tools for BV. Furthermore, it is hoped that the information will enable a more personalized treatment of BV and ultimately, prevent adverse sequelae associated with BV.</p>
Project description:v3-v4 16S rRNA sequencing was used to characterize both gut and oral microbiota composition of RCC (refractory chronic cough) patients and matched healthy controls (HC). The groups are matched in age and gender.
Project description:Total bacterial DNA was isolated from water and sediment samples from a local watershed and 16S rRNA sequences were analyzed using the Illumina MiSeq v3 platform in order to generate snapshots of bacterial community profiles. A total of 56 samples were collected that represent water and sediment samples from 14 sample sites over two different time points (November 18 and 25, 2011).
Project description:This study aimed to model formamide-based melting for the optimization of the sensitivity and specifcity of oligonucleotide probes in dignostic high-density microarrays. Formamide melting profiles of DNA oligonucleotides were obtained with a high-density microarray targeting 16S rRNA genes of Escherichia coli and Rhodobacter sphaeroides. One or two mismatched versions of perfect match probes were included on the array to systematically analyze the effect of formamide on mismatch stability and mismatch discrimination. A thermodynamics-based mathematical model of formamide denaturation was developed to predict the formamide melting profiles with sufficient accuracy to help with oligonucleotide design in microbial ecology applications. 16S rRNA sequences with GenBank accession codes U00006 ( E. coli ) and X53853 (R. sphaeroides) were used for probe design. The following oligonucleotide probe sets were used for the systematic analysis of the effect of formamide on probe-target hybrids (parenthetic information gives set name followed by the number of probes): 22-mer perfect match probes tiling the 16S rRNA gene of E. coli (TileE, n=1521), perfect match E.coli probes of variable length between 18 and 26 mers (Length, n=1045), E. coli probes with central single mismatches (OneM, n=1563), E. coli probes with single positional mismatches (PosM, n=4092), E. coli probes with single deletion mismatches (Gap, n=248), E. coli probes with single insertion mismatches (Insertion, n=248), E. coli probes with two separate mismatches (TwoM, n=1674), E. coli probes with central tandem mismatches (Tandem, n=558), and 22-mer perfect match probes tiling the 16S rRNA gene of R. sphaeroides. Also, a probe with no match to 16S rRNA genes was used as a background control. On the array, regular probes were replicated three times and the Nonsense probe ten times. See the manuscript of Yilmaz et al. for details.
Project description:A phylogenetic microarray targeting 66 families described in the human gut microbiota has been developped aud used to monitor the gut microbiota's structure and diversity. The microarray format provided by Agilent and used in this study is 8x15K. A study with a total of 4 chips was realized. Arrays 1 and 2: Hybridization with 100ng of labelled 16S rRNA gene amplicons from a mock community sample and 250ng of labelled 16S rRNA gene amplicons from 1 faecal sample. Each Agilent-030618 array probe (4441) was synthetized in three replicates. Arrays 3 and 4: Hybridization with 250ng of labelled 16S rRNA gene amplicons from 2 faecal samples. Each Agilent-40558 array probe (4441) was synthetized in three replicates.
Project description:Comparison of probe-target dissociations of probe Eub338 and Gam42a with native RNA of P. putida, in vitro transcribed 16s rRNA of P. putida, in vitro transcribed 16S rRNA of a 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene contaminated soil and an uncontaminated soil sample. Functional ANOVA revealed no significant differences in the dissociation curves of probe Eub338 when hybridised to the different samples. On the opposite, the dissociation curve of probe Gam42a with native RNA of P. putida was significantly different than the dissociation curves obtained with in vitro transcribed 16S rRNA samples. Keywords: Microbial diversity, thermal dissociation analysis, CodeLink microarray