Project description:The Australasian crested grebe Podiceps cristatus australis, Gould 1844 is restricted to Australia and New Zealand, where it is listed as Threatened and Nationally Vulnerable. For the first time in New Zealand, we report on the parasitic helminths infecting three individuals from Lake Wanaka, Otago, using morphological and molecular tools. Seven helminth species were found in the gastrointestinal tract: 2 nematodes (Contracaecum ovale and Baruscapillaria kamanae n. sp.), 4 trematodes (Australapatemon minor, Cryptocotyle micromorpha n. sp., Tylodelphys darbyi and Neopetasiger neocomensis), and 1 cestode (Confluaria pseudofurcifera). Except for T. darbyi, all are new records for New Zealand. A change of orthography is proposed for Neopetasiger neocomensis and N. pseudoneocomensis. Cryptocotyle micromorpha n. sp. (Opisthorchiidae) is distinguished from similar species by its small size, wholly extracaecal vitellaria and anteriorly looped uterus. Baruscapillaria kamanae n. sp. (Trichuridae) is distinguished from other freshwater species by a combination of vulva and spicule morphology. The helminth parasites found here are mostly the same as those from the grebe in the northern hemisphere, indicating that they have been carried with the host species in its spread to Australasia. However, the parasite fauna may be depauperate due to a diminishing reservoir of intermediate hosts in that geographical migration.