Project description:Our aim was to classify and quantify transcripts identified in 24-h-cultured primary duck hepatocytes and construct a protein–protein interaction network to serve as a reference for host factors associated with hepadnavirus infection. Methods: The transcriptome of 24h-cultured PDHs was analyzed by the pair-end sequencing on the Illumina Solexa platform. High-quality reads were mapped to the Anas platyrhynchos genome with TopHat v2.0.12 software. TopHat allows multiple alignments per read and default parameters were used. Cufflinks v2.2.1 software was later used for analyses that included transcript assembly and FPKM value calculations to quantify gene expression; this program was also run with default parameters. Results: A total of 87.8 million high-quality reads were obtained from three primary duck hepatocyte samples isolated from three separate 1-day-old Anas domesticus ducklings. The reads (mean length 92.21 bases) were mapped to the Anas platyrhynchos genome. A total of 13,541 genes with > 1 fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads values were expressed in the 24-h-cultured primary duck hepatocyte samples.Using gene ontology analysis, expressed genes were assigned to functional categories. A total of 182 genes expressed in all three separate primary duck hepatocyte samples were identified as liver-specific genes. Conclusions: Transcriptome and gene ontology analyses of 24-h-cultured primary duck hepatocytes indicate that these cells retain hepatocyte-specific biological characteristics and can be used as a model system for hepadnavirus infection. A novel protein–protein interaction network suggests that host factors regulating or inhibiting innate immunity are directly associated with hepadnavirus.
Project description:Our aim was to classify and quantify transcripts identified in 24-h-cultured primary duck hepatocytes and construct a protein–protein interaction network to serve as a reference for host factors associated with hepadnavirus infection. Methods: The transcriptome of 24h-cultured PDHs was analyzed by the pair-end sequencing on the Illumina Solexa platform. High-quality reads were mapped to the Anas platyrhynchos genome with TopHat v2.0.12 software. TopHat allows multiple alignments per read and default parameters were used. Cufflinks v2.2.1 software was later used for analyses that included transcript assembly and FPKM value calculations to quantify gene expression; this program was also run with default parameters. Results: A total of 87.8 million high-quality reads were obtained from three primary duck hepatocyte samples isolated from three separate 1-day-old Anas domesticus ducklings. The reads (mean length 92.21 bases) were mapped to the Anas platyrhynchos genome. A total of 13,541 genes with > 1 fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads values were expressed in the 24-h-cultured primary duck hepatocyte samples.Using gene ontology analysis, expressed genes were assigned to functional categories. A total of 182 genes expressed in all three separate primary duck hepatocyte samples were identified as liver-specific genes. Conclusions: Transcriptome and gene ontology analyses of 24-h-cultured primary duck hepatocytes indicate that these cells retain hepatocyte-specific biological characteristics and can be used as a model system for hepadnavirus infection. A novel protein–protein interaction network suggests that host factors regulating or inhibiting innate immunity are directly associated with hepadnavirus. The transcriptome of 24h-cultured PDHs was analyzed by the paired-end sequencing on the Illumina Solexa platform.
Project description:Our aim was to classify and quantify transcripts in primary duck hepatocytes cultured in medium with 5% FBS or 1.5% DMSO for 8 days. Methods: The transcriptome of PDHs under different conditions was analyzed by the pair-end sequencing on the Illumina Solexa platform. High-quality reads were mapped to the Anas platyrhynchos genome with TopHat v2.0.12 software. TopHat allows multiple alignments per read and default parameters were used. Cufflinks v2.2.1 software was later used for analyses that included transcript assembly and FPKM value calculations to quantify gene expression; this program was also run with default parameters.
Project description:The objective of this study was to identify candidate circular RNAs associated with duck muscle development. circRNA sequencing analysis was employed using female breast muscle samples embryo stage 13th day (E13) and embryo stage 19th day (E19). RNA-seq data and validation experiment in duck myoblast cells showed that circGAS2-2 significantly differential expressed between E13 and E19 group.
Project description:We deep sequenced and analyzed miRNAs using deep RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) in transported and control duck's duodenum sample of Jingjiang duck. We analyzed the miRNA data with 9467248 reads and 9808143 million reads, obtained 9338224 and 9677777 clean reads in transported and control duck's by high-throughput sequencing, respectively. we respectively gained 4636135 and 4759049 miRNAs sequences in two groups by filtering the known non-miRNA reads, such as rRNA, tRNA, snRNA, and snoRNA by screening against ncRNA deposited in the GenBank and Rfam databases. These findings provided insights into the expression profiles of miRNAs in duck duodenum, and deepened our understanding of miRNAs in transportation injury of duck.
Project description:Our aim was to classify and quantify transcripts in primary duck hepatocytes cultured in medium with 5% FBS or 1.5% DMSO for 8 days. Methods: The transcriptome of PDHs under different conditions was analyzed by the pair-end sequencing on the Illumina Solexa platform. High-quality reads were mapped to the Anas platyrhynchos genome with TopHat v2.0.12 software. TopHat allows multiple alignments per read and default parameters were used. Cufflinks v2.2.1 software was later used for analyses that included transcript assembly and FPKM value calculations to quantify gene expression; this program was also run with default parameters. The transcriptome of PDHs under different culture conditions were analyzed by the paired-end sequencing on the Illumina Solexa platform.
Project description:We deep sequenced and analyzed miRNAs using deep RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) in cage rearing and traditional breeding duck's duodenum sample of Nonghu NO.2 duck. 21 differentially expressed miRNA were identified in the duodenum. 6 miRNAs were upregulated and 15 were downregulated in the cage rearing duck's duodenum of the Nonghu NO.2 duck compared to their expression in the control group. These findings provided insights into the expression profiles of miRNAs in duck duodenum, and deepened our understanding of miRNAs in oxidative injury of duck.
Project description:We used the microarray data to analyze host cells response on A549 cells infected with A/Duck/Malaysia/01 (H9N2) The A/Duck/Malaysia/01 (H9N2) infected A549 cells were harvested at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hpi and RNA extraction was performed using standard protocol as described by Affymetrix. The aim of this experiment is to analyze host response to Influenza A/Duck/Malaysia/01 (H9N2) infection.