Project description:In this study we developed metaproteomics based methods for quantifying taxonomic composition of microbiomes (microbial communities). We also compared metaproteomics based quantification to other quantification methods, namely metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. The metagenomic and 16S rRNA data can be found in the European Nucleotide Archive (Study number: PRJEB19901). For the method development and comparison of the methods we analyzed three types of mock communities with all three methods. The communities contain between 28 to 32 species and strains of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes and bacteriophage. For each community type 4 biological replicate communities were generated. All four replicates were analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing and metaproteomics. Three replicates of each community type were analyzed with metagenomics. The "C" type communities have same cell/phage particle number for all community members (C1 to C4). The "P" type communities have the same protein content for all community members (P1 to P4). The "U" (UNEVEN) type communities cover a large range of protein amounts and cell numbers (U1 to U4). We also generated proteomic data for four pure cultures to test the specificity of the protein inference method. This data is also included in this submission.
Project description:This study evaluated the ammonium oxidizing communities (COA) associated with a potato crop (Solanum phureja) rhizosphere soil in the savannah of Bogotá (Colombia) by examining the presence and abundance of amoA enzyme genes and transcripts by qPCR and next-generation sequence analysis. amoA gene abundance could not be quantified by qPCR due to problems inherent in the primers; however, the melting curve analysis detected increased fluorescence for Bacterial communities but not for Archaeal communities. Transcriptome analysis by next-generation sequencing revealed that the majority of reads mapped to ammonium-oxidizing Archaea, suggesting that this activity is primarily governed by the microbial group of the Crenarchaeota phylum. In contrast,a lower number of reads mapped to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.
Project description:Nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria are widespread in the environment contribute to nitrate removal and influence the fate of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. The autotrophic growth of nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria is rarely investigated and poorly understood. The most prominent model system for this type of studies is enrichment culture KS, which originates from a freshwater sediment in Bremen, Germany. To gain insights in the metabolism of nitrate reduction coupled to iron(II) oxidation under in the absence of organic carbon and oxygen limited conditions, we performed metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic analyses of culture KS. Raw sequencing data of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, shotgun metagenomics (short reads: Illumina; long reads: Oxford Nanopore Technologies), metagenome assembly, raw sequencing data of shotgun metatranscriptomes (2 conditions, triplicates) can be found at SRA in This dataset contains proteomics data for 2 conditions (heterotrophic and autotrophic growth conditions) in triplicates.