Project description:We performed m6A-RIPs in Ascl1-induced neurons (iNeurons) to investigate the neuronal m6A epitranscriptome. Immunoprecipitation was done twice using two different antibodies, acquired from Abcam and Synaptic Systems (SySy), allowing for a more robust detection of m6A modification marks. Additionally, RIP-seq was performed separately with intact and fragmented RNA. The former approach allowed to identify proportions of m6A-modified transcripts among the total number, while the latter approach provided the information to identify genomic coordinates of m6A peaks.
Project description:CSTF2, an RNA-binding protein, and its target genes in hepatocellular carcinoma remain unreported. Screening for potential CSTF2-bound RNA sequences was performed using RIP-seq technique in HUH7 cells.
Project description:To investigate the effect of HSATIII lncRNA on m6A modification, we performed m6A-RIP(RNA immuno precipitation) RNA-seq from heat shock-exposed HeLa cells upon HSATIII knockdown.