Project description:The Zika outbreak, spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, highlights the need to create high-quality assemblies of large genomes in a rapid and cost-effective fashion. Here, we combine Hi-C data with existing draft assemblies to generate chromosome-length scaffolds. We validate this method by assembling a human genome, de novo, from short reads alone (67X coverage, Sample GSM1551550). We then combine our method with draft sequences to create genome assemblies of the mosquito disease vectors Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus, each consisting of three scaffolds corresponding to the three chromosomes in each species. These assemblies indicate that virtually all genomic rearrangements among these species occur within, rather than between, chromosome arms. The genome assembly procedure we describe is fast, inexpensive, accurate, and can be applied to many species.
Project description:This analysis compare gene expression between 4 day old sugar fed female and male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Keywords: Aedes aegypti sex specific expression
Project description:This analysis defines the adult female and developmental specific transcriptomes of Aedes aegypti. Keywords: Aedews aegypti, development, gene expression
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes of testes in the meiotic drive system in aedes aegypti during spermatogenesis compared to non drive strain. The meiotic drive system in Aedes aegypti causes the female determining chromosome to fragment during spermatogenesis.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes of testes in the meiotic drive system in aedes aegypti during spermatogenesis compared to non drive strain. The meiotic drive system in Aedes aegypti causes the female determining chromosome to fragment during spermatogenesis. A six chip study using total RNA from three separately extracted non driving strain testes of Aedes aegypti and three separately extracted meiotic drive strain testes of Aedes aegypti.
Project description:Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infect hundreds of millions of people each year with dangerous viral pathogens including dengue, yellow fever, Zika, and chikungunya. Progress in understanding the biology of this insect, and developing tools to fight it, depends on the availablity of a high-quality genome assembly. Here we use DNA proximity ligaton (Hi-C) and Pacific Biosciences long reads to create AaegL5 - a highly contiguous A. aegypti reference.