Project description:Our previous data showed ZJU-37 promotes OPCs proliferation both in vitro and in vivo, the results of RNA-Seq indicated that up-regulation of cell cycle related genes may be related to it.
2021-05-20 | GSE172497 | GEO
Project description:chloroplast genome research ZJU
| PRJNA722038 | ENA
Project description:Listeria monocytogenes isolates from CATG ZJU
| PRJNA688596 | ENA
Project description:Salmonella Telelkebir from CATG of ZJU
| PRJNA666303 | ENA
Project description:Listeria monocytogenes isolates from CATG of ZJU
| PRJNA773060 | ENA
Project description:S. Newport isolates from CATG of ZJU
| PRJNA658706 | ENA
Project description:Listeria monocytogenes isolates from CATG of ZJU
| PRJNA772251 | ENA
Project description:mcr positive isolates from CATG of ZJU
| PRJNA573539 | ENA
Project description:Listeria monocytogenes isolates from CATG of ZJU