Project description:The goal of the experiment is to: 1) compare transcriptome of primary BC-derived lineages to endogenous tracheal epithelial cells after transplantation; 2) compare the transcriptome of iBC-derived lineages to their endogenous counterparts, and study them together with a previous dataset of iBC recipient 40&56 days post-transplantation to study any temporal changes
Project description:Purpose: Transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of a novel human Inflammatory Breast Cancer cell line A3250 in comparison to SUM149 and MDA-MB-231 Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is the most aggressive form of breast cancer with distinct clinical and histopathological features, but understanding of the unique aspects of IBC biology lags far behind that of other breast cancers. We describe a novel triple-negative IBC cell line, A3250, that recapitulates key features of human IBC in a mouse xenograft model.The purpose of this study was to compare differences in gene expression between A3250 IBC, MDA-MB-231 non-IBC and SUM149 IBC that does not present with typical clinical sympotms of IBC in a mouse model, with the goal of identifying unique molecular features for this unique type of breast cancer Results: RNA-Seq analysis identified expression profile characteristic for the novel A3250 IBC cell line, compared to SUM149 IBC and MDA-MB-231 non-IBC.
Project description:ERβ expression is associated with less metastasis in patients with IBC tumors. We investigated this association in preclinical models of IBC by knocking out ERβ in cells. Ablation of ERβ promotes migration and invasion of IBC cells and increases the metastatic potential of IBC tumors in vivo. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying the increased migration of ERβ knockout cells and identified distinct classes of up-regulated genes during this process.
Project description:The goal of this experiment is to study mouse pluripotent stem cell-derived airway basal cell (iBC) culture at a single cell resolution.
Project description:Gene expression profiles of 10 IBC preclinical models were analysed to investigate IBC cell intrinsic molecular changes as well as to evaluate to what extent IBC preclinical models recapitulate the IBC expression profile of patient samples.
Project description:Microarray analysis of primary effusion lymphoma cell lines BC-1 and BC-3 Total RNA from BC-1 and BC-3 cell lines was processed for analysis in one replicate on Human Gene 1.0 ST arrays to obtain data on whether genes are expressed and to compare to existing microarray data.