Project description:The sarcosine oxidase locus is controlled by GbdR and SouR independently induced by glycine betaine and sarcosine, respectively. The goal of this study was to identify the members of the SouR regulon. Therefore, the comparison strains were a gbdR mutant and a gbdRsouR double mutant. The conditions for inclusion in the souR regulon were: (i) called present in the array, (ii) changed more than 2.5-fold in signal in a statistically significant manner, (iii) altered in the presence of sarcosine and dependent on souR.
Project description:Gallic acid (also known as 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid, GA), a naturally occurring phenolic acid, is a major constituent of tea and red wine. It has been demonstrated that GA possess anti-cancer activities. We found the epigenetic effect of GA in tobacco-associated human cancer cell lines. In this dataset, we include the expression array data from human lung cancer H1299 cell line with or without the treatment of 5azaC or GA. These data were used to obtain genes upregulated in both 5azaC- orGA-treated H1299 cells.
Project description:Acute graft versus host disease is a serious condition caused by allo-reactive donor CD4+ T cells from allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. To understand the developmental relationships between T-helper states in mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN), TCR transgenic CD4+ T cells specific for a single allo-peptide (TEa cells) from mice were recovered at Days 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 from mLN, and Day 5 from the gut and underwent processing to generate scRNA-seq dataset. TEa cells were also recovered at Day 5 from mLN and were either treated with and without IEL-isolation pre-digestion buffer as controls.
Project description:The ability to sense sour provides an important sensory signal to prevent the ingestion of unripe, spoiled or fermented foods. Taste and somatosensory receptors in the oral cavity trigger aversive behaviors in response to acid stimuli. Here we show that the ion channel Otopetrin-1, a proton-selective channel normally involved in the sensation of gravity in the vestibular system, is essential for sour-sensing in the taste system. We demonstrate that a knockout of Otop1 eliminates acid responses from sour-sensing taste-receptor-cells (TRCs). In addition, we show that mice engineered to express otopetrin-1 in sweet TRCs now have sweet cells that also respond to sour stimuli. Next, we genetically identified the taste ganglion neurons mediating each of the five basic taste qualities, and demonstrate that sour taste uses its own dedicated labeled line from TRCs in the tongue to finely tuned taste neurons in the brain to trigger aversive behaviors.
Project description:Samples from fruit juice vesicle tissue from three lemon genotypes (Frost Lisbon, Faris "sour" and Faris "sweet") differing in fruit acidity were compared at two developmental timepoints (immature, mature). Faris lemon appears to be a graft chimera with the L2 layer derived from normal acid lemon and layer L1 from Millsweet limetta or a closely related genotype. Fruit of Faris sour and Faris sweet grew on different branches of the same tree, with sour fruit developing on branches with L1 and L2 from acid lemon.
Project description:FastQ files from 16S sequencing of fecal samples from pancreatic cancer xenografted mice not treated (CTRL) and treated with chemotherapy (GEM+nab-PTX), probiotics (PRO) and chemotherapy + probiotics (GEM+nab-PTX+PRO)