Project description:Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) is an economic important aquaculture fish that was susceptible to Vibrio anguillarum. To fully deciphered the molecular mechanisms underlying flounder host defense against V. anguillarum infection, we perform the micro-transcriptome analysis of founder spleen with and without V. anguillarum infection at 3 time points.
2022-01-12 | GSE143478 | GEO
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of turbot liver with Vibrio anguillarum infection
Project description:The objective of this study was to determine how transcriptomic responses in the spleen and liver are altered in juvenile Micropogonias undulatus exposed to oil, a known fish pathogen (Vibrio anguillarum), or both.
Project description:The objective of this study was to determine how transcriptomic responses in the spleen and liver are altered in juvenile Paralichthys lethostigma exposed to oil, a known fish pathogen (Vibrio anguillarum), or both.
Project description:The objective of this study was to determine how transcriptomic responses in the spleen and liver are altered in juvenile Sciaenops ocellatus exposed to oil, a known fish pathogen (Vibrio anguillarum), or both.
2019-08-22 | GSE136133 | GEO
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of turbot head kidney with Vibrio anguillarum infection
Project description:This experiment aims at mapping the early response of lumpfish leukocytes against Vibrio anguillarum exposure. Fifteen fish were sacrificed and their head kidney were excised. From the tissue samples, leukocytes where isolated. 5x10e6 cells, from each leukocyte sample where added to each experimental sample. As it was 4 experimental groups, a total of 2 * 10e7 cells were used per fish. The experimental groups was control 6 hours, treatment 6 hours, control 24 hours and treatment 24 hours. The control groups were added phosphate buffered saline, while the treatment groups where added 5*10 to the 7th Vibrio anguillarum O1 cells suspended in an equal amount of phosphate buffered saline. After experiment was ended, the cells were lyzed and RNA was extracted, DNase treated, normalized and pooled . The normalization and pooling was conducted by adding 1000 nanograms RNA from 5 experimental samples to one sequencing sample. The sequencing libraries were prepared and sequenced by the Norwegian High Throughput Sequencing Center. . Reads of low quality, low complexity, containing adapter sequence, matching ribosomal or mitochondrial sequence, or the genomes of Vibrio anguillarum used in the stimulation experiment were discarded. Transcripts were assembled using Trinity v2.0.6. Transcript abundances were estimated using RSEM as part of the Trinity pipeline. The read count estimates were used as a basis for differential expression analysis using the Limma R-package. Only genes with at least 10 reads in at least three samples were considered for differential expression analysis.
Project description:The gram-negative bacterium Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum is the causative agent of vibriosis, a bacterial disease affecting aquacultural industry across the globe. The full mechanism of V. anguillarum pathogenesis is not completely understood, but many virulence determinants have been identified. The current study aimed to obtain molecular insights into the proteome response of the bacterium to several conditions mimicking vibriosis. Our data shed light on the adaptability of V. anguillarum to oxidative stress, iron limitations and the complement system, and offer potential virulence determinants associated in particular with septicemia over the course of vibriosis.
Project description:The objective of this study was to determine how transcriptomic responses in the spleen are altered in juvenile red snapper exposed to oil, a known fish pathogen (Vibrio anguillarum), or both.
Project description:We evaluated the expression profiles of turbot in spleen, liver and head kidney across five temporal points of the Philasterides dicentrarchi infection process using an 8x15K Agilent oligo-microarray. The microarray included 2,176 different 5-fold replicated gene probes designed from a turbot 3’ sequenced EST database. We were able to identify 221 differentially expressed (DE) genes (8.1% of the whole microarray), 113 in spleen, 83 in liver and 90 in head kidney, in at least one of the 5 temporal points sampled for each organ. Most of these genes could be annotated (83.0%) and functionally categorized using GO terms (69.1%) after the additional sequencing of DE genes from the 5’ end. Many DE genes were related to innate and acquired immune functions. A high proportion of DE genes were organ-specific (70.6%), although their associated GO functions showed notable similarities in the three organs. The most striking difference in functional distribution was observed between the up- and down-regulated gene groups. Up-regulated genes were mostly associated to immune functions, while down-regulated ones mainly involved metabolism-related genes. Genetic response appeared clustered in a few groups of genes with similar expression profiles along the temporal series. The information obtained will aid to understand the turbot immune response and will specifically be valuable to develop strategies of defense to P. dicentrarchi to achieve more resistant broodstocks for turbot industry. We were interested in analyzing the response of turbot as species to P. dicentrarchi in three of the main immune organs (spleen, liver and head kidney) along a temporal series representing the main episodes of infection (1d, 3d, 7d, 15d, 25d). Accordingly, individual samples were pooled at each sampling point to average interindividual variation. A single control point (time 0; non-injected) was used since a very slight effect of injection on gene expression was previously reported in these three organs in turbot. Five fish were sacrificed on day 0 to be used as the unique control in the experiment and one hundred fifty were challenged with a highly virulent strain of P. dicentrarchi as previously described (Paramá et al., 2003). Groups of five fish were sacrificed at 1d, 3d, 7d, 15d and 25d post-challenging. Equal amounts of spleen, liver and head kidney were sampled from each fish, pooled per organ at each sampling point and immediately stored in liquid nitrogen.